Top Blog Recipes

21 Aug 2019


A hearty hug in a bowl, this soup brings sunshine to my day loaded with great food for you ingredients like chicken bone broth, turmeric, coconut cream, sweet potato herbs and spices what’s not to love in this soup.  My geeky good for you Science waffle is below!

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 15 minutes

My geeky science bit....

Chicken Bone Broth Nutrients 
Chicken bone stock is so good for you, the broth water has calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, sulphur, trace minerals, chodroitin sulphates and glucosamine, these latter two ingredients are expensive to buy as supplements, but they are found naturally in bone broths.  You need magnesium so your body and convert vitamin D into it's active form so that it can be used to absorb calcium.  We only need around 400mg of calcium a day, but the RDA says 1200mg, the reason for this is that we do not absorb all the calcium we eat, but if you have a balanced diet the extra calcium you absorb can lead to kidney stones and calcium in the blood stream and heart disease, chicken stock is anti viral, anti bacterial and scientifically proven to be 25% as effective as penicillin.

B6, C, B1, manganese, copper, phosphorus, calcium, allicin, selenium.
King do healing foods, cleans liver, fights food poisoning bacteria, stomach bug bacteria, anti viral, anti fungal, natural compounds that aid liver to remove MERCURY, food additives and the hormone oestrogen from your body.  Helps iron metabolism, cardo protective, helps keep blood pressure in check, may regulate number of fat cells, antioxidant, lowers risk of oxidative stress. 

Turmeric is super good for you, but more important is the need to eat turmeric with black pepper, why?  The curcuma longs L in turmeric is not utilised in our body due to its rapid metabolism in the liver and intestinal wall, combining consumption of piperine a know inhibitor of intestinal absorption found in black pepper significantly increased the concentration of curcumin up to 2000% in turn extending the absorption time.

Turmeric 1500mg RDA
Turmeric is one of those little spices you should try and eat every day, helps control high blood sugar, great if you have or are pre disposed to diabetes, anti inflammatory, anti oxidant helps protect against ageing, anti atherosclerotic, heart protecting and weight reducing actions, another great benefit for diabetes and reducing complications from associated diseases.  Important role of curcumin a key component in turmeric in the the prevention and treatment again of diabetes and associated disorders, neuroprotective and anti infections actions.  Helps protect against Alzheimer's.
Vitamin B6, manganese, iron, fibre, copper, potassium.

Livers favourite spice, boosts liver detox by assisting enzymes that actively flush out dietary carcinogens, curcumin compounds heal your liver aiding detoxification and strengthening your whole body.  Antioxidant, controls blood cholesterol levels, anti carcogenic, powerful medicine in anti inflammatory, supports flatulence, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, bloody urine, hemorrhage, toothache, bruises, chest, pain and colic. 

Vitamin C, B6, B1, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, manganese, copper.
Anti inflammatory, anti bacterial, cardio benefits, protects heart and blood vessels, anti clotting capacity helps prevent unwanted clumping together of the blood platelet cells, lowers blood cholesterol levels and triglycerides, improves cell membrane function in red blood cells, can increase bone density and connective tissue.

Coconuts are rich in fibre, Vitamin C, E,, B1, B5, B6,, iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous.  Extremely healthy MFCA and lauric acid easily digested and almost immediately broken down in your saliva and gastric juices.  This means pancreatic fat digesting enzymes are not essential which puts less strain on your liver allowing it to work more efficiently.  Anti viral, anti bacterial, protects body form infections and viruses.  Regulates thyroid function and is highly nutritious.

(serves 4)

1 ltr of homemade chicken bone broth
(recipe below)
1 tbsp ghee
1 onion finely diced
2 garlic chopped
1 yellow pepper diced
1 400 ml can of coconut cream
1 sweet potato peeled and diced
1 courgette diced
2 chicken breasts cooked and shredded or meat from homemade chicken broth
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp ground coriander
1/2 tsp ground turmeric 
1 tsp crushed red chillies
1 tsp Himalayan sea salt 
1/2 tsp fresh ground black pepper
1 lime juiced 
Fresh chopped coriander and sliced jalapeños to garnish

Melt the ghee and soften for five minutes the onion, garlic and diced peppers, meanwhile bring the chicken stock to a simmer and add the sweet potato and cook until tender.  Add the softened onion mix along with the rest of all the ingredients except the fresh coriander and jalapeños, bring back to a simmer for a couple of minutes until the courgette is cooked, that’s it serve with a garnish of coriander and jalapeños.  

Chicken Bone Broth
(takes 2 hours & makes 3 ltrs)

1 organic chicken plus
2-3 chicken carcass saved from roast dinners
1 onion halved
3 carrots peeled
1 stick celery halved
2 leeks quartered
1 bulb garlic halved
1 tbsp sea salt
10 black peppercorns
1 bay leaf
3 sprigs fresh thyme
3" piece of ginger bashed
1 stalk lemon grass bashed
1 lemon halved and squeezed

Place all the ingredients in a large stock pot and pour in around 4 litres of water to cover the chicken, bring to a gentle just simmer and leave to poach away for around 1.5 - 2 hours, take off the heat and leave the chicken to cool in the broth for an hour or so this allows the chicken meat to absorb some of the gorgeous cooking juices and makes the chicken the moistest you will have ever eaten.

Remove the chicken and stock vegetables from the poaching stock liquid, taste the stock and either season with more sea salt or reduce the volume down to intensify the flavour of the broth.  

Remove all the meat from the chicken and add back to the broth, pour the broth in to a large jug or one litre mason jars and store in the fridge ready to go when you need it.  This freezes really well at this stage too.

20 Aug 2019


Fabulous low carb hearty breakfast loaded with flavour and a rich duck egg yolk, this is one great breakfast perfect for a go slow Sunday morning and with a kick of hot sauce it’s one of my favourites.

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 15 minutes

(serves 2)

Olive oil
1 tbsp butter
1 small onion diced
2 cloves garlic chopped 
1 sweet potato peeled diced
1 courgette diced
1 red pepper diced
1 fresh jalapeño sliced
1/4 cup chopped coriander 
1 cup grated mozzarella 
Himalayan sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper
Your favourite hot sauce
4 duck or chicken eggs
1 tbsp white wine vinegar

Heat a skillet medium hot add the olive oil and butter along with the onion, garlic and sweet potato, gently cook until soft, approx ten minutes, then add the red pepper and courgette and cook for a further 5 minutes.  

Meanwhile bring a tall pan of water to a rolling simmer, add the white wine vinegar, place the eggs individually in small bowls, whisk the simmering water to create a vortex in the center and gently slip in two eggs one at a time, leave to poach for 2-3 minutes, using a slotted spoon remove and place on a tea towel to drain, repeat again for the remaining 2 eggs.

Give the skillet a good seasoning with salt and pepper, stir and take off the heat, sprinkle over the cheese, coriander and fresh jalapeños then a good drizzle of your favourite hot sauce, serve topped with your poached eggs, enjoy.

14 Aug 2019


A great succulent juicy roasted chicken with creamy roasted garlic purée and caramelised lemons with a hint of citrus sour roasting pan gravy this is a fabulous Sunday family roast dinner.

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 1 hr / Resting time 15 minutes

(serves 4)

1 large organic chicken
3 whole bulbs garlic
2 lemons thickly sliced
1 lemon halved
2 onions halved
3 sprigs fresh thyme
2 sprig fresh oregano
6 fresh sage leaves 
2 bay leaves
Olive oil
Himalayan sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper
300 ml chicken stock
150 ml dry white wine
1 knob butter

Pre heat your oven to 200 C / 392 F.  Place the halved lemon and bay leaves in to the cavity of the chicken, rub the whole bird with olive oil and generously season all over with salt and pepper place the chicken in a roasting tin, put the onion halves, whole garlic bulbs and sliced lemons in a large bowl, toss generously in olive oil, salt and pepper and add to the roasting tin around the chicken, lay on the herbs and place in the oven, cook for 20 minutes at 200 C / 392 F then turn the oven down to 180 C / 356 F for a further 30 minutes.

To check your chicken is cooked piece the thickest part of the thigh with a metal skewer and leave there for 15 seconds, remove and place the skewer tip on your top lip if it’s hit and the juices run clear it’s done.  Remove from the roastin tin and cover with a cloth or foil and rest for 10-15 minutes.

To make roasting tin gravy, reserve the sliced lemons and garlic bulbs to one side, squeeze out the garlic purée for serving later, place the roasting tin on the stove on a medium heat, use one teaspoon the purée of one of the bulbs of garlic and place in to the gravy pan, add a couple of slices of lemon, along with the white wine and reduce by half, using a masher crush all the onions and ingredients together releasing their flavours in to the gravy, add the chicken stock and bring to a simmer, taste and season if needed, lastly add all the juices from the rested chicken, add a knob of butter, stir in then pour the gravy through a sieve in to a jug and serve with your gorgeous succulent chicken along with the caramelised lemon slices and garlic purée.

I serve this with goose fat basted classic roast potatoes.

13 Aug 2019


FLOWER POT KITCHEN: SAUERKRAUT HOMEMADE FERMENTING: This is soooo simple to make and soooo good for your gut health, honest ingredients and at a fraction of a shop brought jar.  A great ingred...


This is soooo simple to make and soooo good for your gut health, honest ingredients and at a fraction of a shop brought jar.  A great ingredient to sneak it in your family’s sandwiches or dinners for a healthy gut boosting dose of probiotics, if like my family they turn their nose up to the offer of a fermented side dish but never turn down a melted cheese and deli meat stuffed Reuben sandwich ! Which is loaded with sauerkraut !!! Then this is they way to go !

Prep time 5 minutes / Resting time 1 hrs / Canning 5 minutes 
4-14 Days Fermentation 
Equipment ball mason wide neck jar, sauer venting lid and glass weight.

I use sauer stones and fermenting lids, from Amazon as they are worth the very small investment for doing the job properly 
over and over again.

(makes 2 small ball mason jars)

1 large sweetheart cabbage or Napa cabbage
2 tbsp Himalayan sea salt
4 tbsp water if needed 

Shred the cabbage finely and place in a bowl, sprinkle over the salt and scrunch the cabbage and salt together massaging really well.  Leave to stand for a couple of hours, during this time the salt will leach out the liquid from the cabbage creating a brine liquid, this brine you will need to cover the cabbage for a successful ferment.  I can’t help myself and keep going back and massaging and squeezing the liquid out of the cabbage during the waiting time!

When your ready to jar the cabbage first sterilise your jar or jars, I bake my dry jars, sauer stones and lids in a 180 C or 356 F for 10 minutes and for this fermenting process I leave the jars to cool.

Once your cabbage has released it’s brined liquid pack the cabbage into your sterilised jars, push the cabbage down really tight so it is really compact, pour over enough brine to cover the cabbage by at least one inch.  This is important as any exposed cabbage can grow the wrong bacteria.

Once you have packed the cabbage as tight as you can place the sterilised glass weight on top, screw on the lid and leave in a cool place out of direct sunlight after 5 days you can check the taste of your fermented cabbage, I generally leave mine until day 7 as I find this has the best balance tang of freshness with a hint of sweetness, this will be personal to you, more sour less fermented day etc.

You can see the cabbage has become paler in colour and you will see some bubbles rising to the surface this is a good indication that your sauerkraut is fermenting well and ready to store and eat.

Once your fermented cabbage is to your liken place in the fridge and enjoy your own healthy fermented gut protecting sauerkraut on its own or stuffed into a classic Reuben sandwich or cheese melt

I start a new fresh batch every 7-10 days so I have a continuous supply.

8 Aug 2019


This is a fabulous, rich hearty tasty filling breakfast, a great Sunday one pan breakfast for the whole family, who will enjoy the crispy caramelised sweet potato and butternut squash, sweet onions with a bonus of crispy bacon finished off with perfectly cooked soft runny yolk poached eggs, every spoonful is not enough!  

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking time 25 minutes 

(serves 4)

1 glug olive oil
1 onion finely diced
2 cloves garlic finely diced 
2 sweet potatoes peeled and chopped 
1/2 butternut squash finely chopped
8 rashers streaky bacon (no nitrates)
8 eggs cracked in to individual bowls
50ml white wine vinegar
Himalayan sea salt 
Fresh ground black pepper 
2 tbsp fresh parsley chopped 

Sweet Potato and Butternut Hash
Heat a skillet medium hot, add the olive oil, the onion and garlic and soften for five minutes without colouring, add the bacon, sweet potato and butternut squash, cook until tender and caramelised, around 15 - 20 minutes, take off the heat and rest to one side while you poach the eggs.

Poached Eggs
Bring a tall pan of water to a gentle simmer, add the white wine vinegar and whisk to create a central vortex, gently slip one egg in to the center of the vortex, cook for 2 minutes, remove and drain on a tea towel, place on top of the hash, repeat for the rest of the eggs then sprinkle the whole dish with fresh parsley, sea salt and black pepper, serve family style at the table and enjoy, my family does.

4 Aug 2019


These are a real winner with my gang and no one knows (unless they read my blog, unlikely!) that they are a fresh healthy version of the fried take away spring rolls that they love to chow down on and full of not so good for you stuff!  Simple to make and cook these are a great staple in my armoury for keeping my gang feed and happy. 

(makes 12 large / 24 servings)

12 sheets filo pastry
2 carrots julienned or grated
2 broccoli stems julienned or grated
4 spring onions finely sliced 4” long
2 tbsp ginger grated
1 yellow pepper finely sliced
2 red chillies finely chopped
2 courgettes julienned or grated
100g bean sprouts brought or home sprouted (optional)
1 cup red cabbage finely shredded
1 cup white cabbage finely shredded 
1 tbsp wasabi paste
100ml soy sauce
50ml sesame oil
50g sesame seeds (optional)
50ml olive oil for cooking

In a large bowl mix all the julienned, sliced, shredded or grated ingredients including the bean sprouts and sesame seeds, in a jug whisk the wasabi, soy and sesame oil and pour over the vegetables, mix really well to combine.  Unfold the filo pastry and lay a damp tea towel over the filo to keep the pastry from drying out while you assemble the spring rolls.

Take a sheet of filo and brush the edges with water, place a small handful of your spring roll filling about the size of a sausage 2” from the top of the filo sheet and 3” from either side, then roll over the top of the filo sheet over the filling and continue to roll over until half way down the filo sheet, at this point fold over the left and right sides inwards which will seal the ends then continue to roll up to the end.  Repeat with the rest.

To cook either brush each spring roll with olive oil and bake for 20-30 minutes at 200 C / 392 F tuning once half way through until golden crispy, or brush with olive oil and dry fry in a skillet on all four sides until golden and crispy, serve immediately with a soy, sesame, rice wine vinegar and mirin dipping sauce.