Top Blog Recipes

23 Sept 2011


Sweet rich chocolate pastry filled with a chocolate ganache and topped with thick fresh cream and flakes of milk chocolate

225g plain flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
140g butter
2 tbsp caster sugar
2 tbsp water cold

175g butter
350g soft brown sugar
4 eggs beaten
4 tbsp cocoa powder
150g plain choc
300ml single cream

600ml dbl cream
4 flakes

To make the pastry, rub the butter into the flour, cocoa powder and sugar to form a soft dough, you may need to add the water just to bring it all together.  Rest in the fridge for half hour, roll out and blind bake for 15 minutes at 190 degrees, then remove the baking beans and cook for another 10 minutes.  Reduce the oven to 160 degrees.

To make the filling beat the butter with the sugar until soft and creamy, add the eggs slowly.  Melt the chocolate and mix in the cream, add this and the cocoa powder to the mixture slowly, pour into the pastry case and bake for approx 35 minutes until still wobbly but almost set, leave till completely cooled.

To top whip the double cream to a really thick consistency, carefully not to turn it into butter...  Top the cake with the cream and sprinkle with crushed flakes to decorate.

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