Top Blog Recipes

16 Sept 2011


Lovely fresh eggs from our corn feed bobblinas, king edward potatoes, onions and wet garlic from the garden, only thing to do a Spanish omelet for brunch, so satisfying for the soul as well as my belly.

Cakes for my sweetheart, tart au citron with sweet pastry and lavender, then almond marzipan and black cherry danish slices.

1 King Edward potato finely diced
3 cloves garlic sliced
12 free range eggs (from our girls in the garden)
salt and fresh ground white pepper

In ooil and butter pan fry the potato till soft, add the sliced garlic for a couple of minutes, beat the eggs gently and season.  Turn the pan up to a medium heat and add the eggs, don't touch the pan for one minute then with a metal spoon drag one side of the tortilla away from the edge of the pan to the centre whilst tipping the pan to allow the unset egg to run down into the space you have created.  Do this to each side and the leave to settle.  When 3/4 cooked pop the frying pan under a hot grill for a few minutes to finish of cooking the top.

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