Top Blog Recipes

29 Dec 2011



450g strong plain flour
pinch salt
450g butter 70g grated
180ml water

Place the flour & salt in a bowl, place the grated butter, all the water in the centre of the bowl and using a pecking action mix into the flour to make a dough, form into a ball and leave to rest   for approx 1 hour.  Roll out the chilled pastry into a square, put the rest of the butter, 380g in the centre of the pastry, now the fun begins, bring each of the corners into the centre of the pastry like an envelope, roll out again to roughly the same size.  Now fold in three like a napkin, if it was a A sheet of paper fold 1/3 then again, then again, turn 90 degrees(FIRST TURN), roll out to the same size again and fold into 3 again, turn 90 degrees(SECOND TURN), wrap in parchment, make the up direction and rest in the fridge for a hour or so if you can.  Repeat the first two steps again, so you have turned the puff pastry 4 times, one complete circle, then rest the pastry for another hour before use. 

When the puff pastry is ready, depending on how many sausage rolls I want to make, I usually make in batches of four so they are ready fresh to bake.  I cut off 3 inches of the pastry and then roll out to a 18" long by 4" wide strip and place my sausage meat along the long side, egg wash one edge and roll into one giant sausage roll.  Then slice on top to allow the air out and cut to the size required, egg wash and bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

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