Top Blog Recipes

21 Oct 2012



Nothing quite like a Sunday apple pie, with hot vanilla custard or delicious cold double cream.

Apples from the lovely lady at the bottom of my road, who puts all her fallers out for you to help yourself to whilst you walk on past.  Lol, I keep walking my dogs past so I can inconspicuously keep helping myself, and they are the most gorgeous old fashioned, thick, squat trunked apple trees, with a glorious spread of low wide branch's that are brimming with apples, apples, apples.

Traditional pie, with large chunks of apple filling.

When ever I make these pies, I always try to make a couple of small indivudal pies, that I can drop round to my neighbours.

So little in ingredients and yet a Classic home, heart warming pie.
(makes 1 medium pie)
4 large British bramley apples peeled rough chopped
150g caster sugar
For the pastry
110g lard diced
100g stork
450g plain flour
1 pinch salt
180ml cold water
1 egg beaten for glaze

To make the pastry, place the flour and salt in a bowl, grate in the stork and mix with a knife into the flour, add the lard and mix, add the water and gently bring to a dough ball.  You want to see lumps of lard in the pastry, as when this melts in the oven it will help bring a light puff to the pastry.  Chill in the fridge for 30 minutes.  Roll out and line your pie dish.

Take the apples and mix in the sugar, fill the pastry case with the apples and pack as much in as you can as the apples will reduce, egg wash the lip of the pastry case and place your lid on.  I like to make leaves as decoration, or sometimes a large apple with stalk and leaf for decoration.  Egg wash and place in a pre-heated oven, 190 degrees, for 20-30 minutes. 

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