Top Blog Recipes

28 Oct 2012


So cute and such a rich light texture melt in the mouth chocolate mousse, really quick and simple to make and so underrated as a pudding, this mousse deserves better respect and not to be dismissed as a old retro pudding that kids make, why does it matter if it is that easy to make it is all about the eating.
(makes 6 ptn)
300g dark plain chocolate min 70%
30g butter
4 tbsp cognac
5 tbsp caster sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten
4 egg whites whisked to soft peaks
500ml double cream whipped

Melt the chocolate gently in a double boiler, then add the butter and mix in till smooth, take off the heat and leave to cool for a couple of minutes and then stir in the eggs and cognac.

Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks and then gradually add the sugar while whisking, fold 1/3 into the chocolate mix and then fold the rest in with a metal spoon.  Fold in the whipped cream and fill into your moulds, chill, I like to bring these out of the fridge 30 minutes before serving just to make them a little more relaxed and not so chilled ridged.

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