Top Blog Recipes

24 Oct 2012


We made their bed thicker with more straw as the weather is getting colder and as the door is staying open overnight we wanted to make sure that they had a deep bed to snuggle down in, while we were in the ark they wanted to know what we were doing and were trying to come in and help.  As soon as we had finished they both had a nap.

Our Great Dane puppy is of interest to the pigs and vice versa, Lottie wants to play and they are not sure what to make of her bounding lolloping excitement in the garden

Day 3 and going really well, they are just so sweet, I am going to find this really hard at the end of the experience, but I have to keep the end goal in mind.  I love sitting in the run for ages just watching them, they wander over and say hello, today they both fell in love with my pink crocks, and kept biting them and then when I got up to leave they chased my shoes lol.  I am guessing that pigs see colour, as I would normally wear my yard boots but I just popped down to have a cup of tea with them and a chat and did not change my shoes as we don't have mud yet!!!

LemonGrass is a very clever girl, when Ginger whacks her with his shoulder to move her, she moves away and then does a running ram tackle at him which knocks him out of the way, Ginger is approx 1/3 bigger than her.  No accidents with the electric fencing today and that includes my husband!!!

Our son Oscar is in charge of feeding the pigs and they are responding to him really well, we are training them to come to the jingle of the pig nuts in the vintage lever dairy feeding scoop my husband found, we love it as it has used histroy from a dairy farm from Penzance in Cornwall, which we love and go to every year for the Falmouth Sea Shantys.

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