Top Blog Recipes

5 Oct 2012


This recipe I found in one of my dads old french cookbooks and it is a special dinner dish I do occasionally romantically for my husband.  Four simple ingredients that make a fantastic rich decadent red wine sauce for your steak, this sauce is so gorgeous that I often end up tasting a bit too much during the reduction stage as I cant help myself and then because I make the sauce in advance I end up popping back into the kitchen just for another teaspoon full of wonderfulness!

Reducing the Burgundy wine, stock and bone marrow

Gorgeous red wine stock reduction sauce, with spoon for tasting a lot!

Pan seared fillet of beef with grilled goats cheese roulade and sumptuous Burgundy sauce
(Serves 4)
150g butter chilled diced
3 shallots fine fine diced
750ml Burgundy or Bordeaux
250ml brown stock
80g bone marrow
4 200g fillet steak
ooil & butter for pan searing

To make the sauce, this can be done a day in advance and stored in the fridge, then just brought up to temperature when needed.  Melt one large tablespoon of the butter and gently fry the shallots for approx 7 minutes, don't colour.  Pour in the wine and simmer until reduced by two thirds, then add the stock and bone marrow, this I got from my local butcher, and reduce by half, this will give you a spoon coating consistency sauce.

The sauce is almost ready, now on a very gentle heat whisk in the rest of the butter, tasting as you go, you may not need all the butter but I always do, taste and add seasoning as needed.

Pre heat your oven 200 degrees, heat your frying pan medium hot, add the butter and ooil and then season all your steaks well, sear the steaks in the hot pan, do not be tempted to turn or move them, after 1 minutes turn the steaks over this is so that you add another level of flavour to the steaks with that lovely slightly caramelised seal, I know place the frying pan with the steaks in the oven for 5 minutes for rare steaks, if you want medium just cook on for a few more minutes, the key here is once you take your steaks out, place a cartouche of foil over the pan and let them rest for 5 minutes while you plate up any accompaniments your are serving, (I love mashed potato and half a disk of goats cheese warmed under the grill and topped on the steak), pour off the resting juices from the steaks into the red wine sauce and then serve.

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