Top Blog Recipes

13 Oct 2012


Fabulous juicy cheesey tomato stuffed chicken wrapped in pancetta

Quick roasting pan white wine and stock sauce

Quick and easy way to stuff your chicken, this way you get to put more cheese stuffing in, I cut the chicken into fillet size fingers and then you lay them on the pancetta top to tail, these will fuse together while cooking.

Easy to cook, just pop in the oven for 30 minutes

I like my pancetta crispy and secondly the cooking juices add depth to the roasting pan gravy

De glaze the roasting pan with white wine and some chicken stock reducing by half before adding a dollop of double cream and seasoning.

(serves 4)

3 chicken breasts
1 pack pancetta
1 tbsp tom puree or a red pepper pesto
1 tsp mixed herbs, not if using pesto
1 ball of mozzeralla torn
50g guryere cheese
4 baby plum tomatoes quatered
1 shallot fine sliced
1 baby pepper fine sliced
Salt and pepper

For the roasting pan sauce
100ml dry white wine
1/4 jelly chicken stock cube
100ml water
100ml double cream or creme fraiche
Salt and pepper to taste

Mashed potato or vegetables to serve

Take your chicken breasts and slice into three so you have fillet fingers and then take a sheet of tin foil and layer the pancetta on this with no gaps, now place the chicken fillets top to tail snuggle, then top with all your fillings, roll up in the foil and twist the ends to make a tight roll, then bake in a pre heated oven of 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

At this point I like to unwrap, pour of the cooking juices into a bowl and then sear the pancetta that is wrapped around the chicken in a hot non stick frying pan.  This is personal, I just have to have that added level of flavour and texture from the crisped pancetta, also this releases some more of the cooking juices from the chicken and the fat from the pancetta which makes a great added flavour to the quick sauce.  You can sear the pancetta chicken in one piece or as I did into four portions.  Remove and place in the oven for a couple of minuets while you make the stock sauce.

Keep the pan on the heat and pour in the reserved cooking juices, white wine and chicken stock to the roasting pan, reduce by half and the water and reduce a little, then add the cream and simmer, taste and season, reduce a little further if needed you would want the sauce to coat the back of a spoon.

Serve the chicken whole or sliced on top of the mashed potato and then drizzle over the wonderful roasting stock sauce, this is such a fab dish, even without the stock sauce.

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