Top Blog Recipes

15 Oct 2012


Chocolate caramel tart, this is a REJECT according to my family!  It is the last time I do this recipe, I used 100% cocoa and a little 70%, and it is a bitter sweet chocolate tart, so my correction in this recipe will be only use 70% cocoa and you will have a sumptuous rich chocolate tart, but for you guys like me who are not all about the sugar but like the bitter sweet taste go for the higher % cocoa.

Looks so inviting, and is after the bitter sweet shock, and surprisingly is quite moorish.
Willy's Wonky Chocolate 100% cacao

I insist on making my own caramel, I take a tin of carnation milk and boil it covered with water for  2 hrs, this way I have a thicker more sweet condensed carnation to use, I personally find the one you can buy is too loose to use, and I cant seem to achieve the same fabulous results if I follow the method on the tin.

For the pastry (makes enough for 2)
150g unsalted butter
55g icing sugar
1 medium egg free range
200g plain flour
50g cocoa powder

For the filling
225g dark chocolate 70%-100%
2 eggs
150ml double cream
100ml milk
1 397g can carnation condensed milk to boil
(or caramelised condensed milk ready to go)

First make the pastry, beat the butter and icing sugar in a bowl until light and fluffy, the add the egg and beat until smooth.  Sift the flour and cocoa powder into the butter mixture gently mix together until it comes together, it will be a sticky ball, turn out onto a floured surface and knead gently till smooth.  Roll out and line your baking tin.  I sometimes take the sticky ball from the mixer and push this into the baking tin instead of rolling out as it is a quicker way.  Place in the fridge for 1 hour to chill.

Pre heat your oven to 200 degrees, line the pastry with baking paper and baking beans and blind bake for 15 minutes, remove the baking beans and bake for 5 minutes.

Reduce the oven temperature to 130 degrees.  Place the chocolate in a heat proof bowl set over simmering water, not letting the bowl touch the water.  Gently melt and only stir towards the end, take off the heat and allow to cool only a little.  Gently whisk the eggs until only just combined, don't froth.  Heat the cream and milk in a saucepan to almost a simmer and pour over the egg, stirring all the time, return to the pan and over a really low heat stirring all the time cook the custard for a couple of minutes until thickened, don't be tempted to rush this stage as you will end up the scrambled egg custard.  Pour through a sieve into the chocolate stirring until smooth.

Spread the caramelised condensed milk over the base of the pastry and then smooth the chocolate mixture over the top, bake in the oven 20 minutes then turn off the heat and leave in the oven for 1 hour with the door closed.  Remove and chill, once chilled dust the top with cocoa powder.

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