Top Blog Recipes

8 Oct 2012


Pan seared little lamb treasures of flavour, They way the sweetness catches and caramelises on the surface of these patties adds a fantastic level of flavour.  Very moorish so always make a third more than you think you need, because as soon as you test one another six will be eaten before you know it!  Great hot or cold, with a cool Greek mint yoghurt dip or stuffed into a pitta bread or wrap.

Quick and simple yoghurt pitta breads, this is a genius recipe that you do not even have to wright down you will remember as it only has two ingredients, Greek yoghurt and flour, ta daa! 

Once you have your yoghurt dough, roll out to what ever size pitta bread or wrap you want and you c

I love eating these, I often over stuff them and then make a big mess everywhere while I munch, I love all the textures of hot, cold, soft and crunch.  I once heard a devoted taco eater state that these are so good you should only eat them over stuffed, in private and naked, I so get that.

(serve 2-4)
Depends on the over stuffing!

500g minced lamb
1 lemon grass grated
1 inch ginger grated
2 tsp harissa paste
1 tsp salt & black pepper
1 tsp ground coriander
1 glug oil

For the wrap
500ml Greek yoghurt
500ml plain flour
plus xtra for dusting/rolling

4 baby plum toms sliced & seasoned
1/2 shredded iceberg lettuce
1 orange pepper fine diced
1 handful mint leaves torn
4 tbsp Greek yoghurt

This is a really quick and simple assemble of ingredients that under estimate the eating of the finished dish.  First mix all the spices and seasoning with the lamb and mix in well, form into small bite size patties.  Heat the oil in a frying pan and on a medium heat seal and cook the patties.  Meanwhile pre heat the oven to 200 degrees.

To make the yoghurt pitta breads, these you can make any shape you like, take the yoghurt and add the exact same amount of flour, mix together to form a dough, you can add a little more flour if you need to.  Roll out immediately to your pitta or wrap and you can either bake in the oven for approx 10 minutes until puffed up or like I do seal them on a hot non stick pan and then finish off in the oven for a couple of minutes. 

While the pittas are cooking slice your accompaniments, and mix the yoghurt with the mint leaves and then dress on top or slice open your pitta bread and stuff, but mostly enjoy.

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