Top Blog Recipes

5 Nov 2012


Week three of our pigs at home, they are now coming up for 12wks old and have such great characters, Ginger Ninja is so friendly, and what gentleman he lets Lemongrass bite his ear and shove him out of the food and he lets her have more than her fair share... This I feel is a bit like my fabulous husband, he always gives me the very best, but I always make sure he actually gets the very best bits of everything.
Lemon grass gently biting Ginger to get more food...


Head to head as always for breakfast and dinner time, what one snout gets the other must have too!!!


Ginger after my massage, he just loves a good cuddle and a good scratch, he just flops down and lets me pamper him, he stays laying for quite a few minutes after just relaxing and enjoying the afterglow of the rub, my husband says he is going to go and lie in the mud too...

Love him Ginger grunting to say thank you for his daily massage.
We are so pleased that we have gone ahead and had our pigs in our garden, we were very concerned about not allowing a smell and our neighbours reaction as we are URBAN, but we have received so much support and well wishes from our neighbours and distant neighbours we did not know, so in all having the pigs has brought our neighbours closer to us and in a positive way. 
Week 3 and all going fab, we have had 5 x the rain fall in Oct and Nov of last year already, the local golf course at the bottom of the road is closed for the week and we have mud mud mud...  But the pigs and I love it  The pigs do have some high ground as well as wet ground therefore all going well.  However I do feel the mothering need to go in and dandy brush off the dried mud off their faces but I have noticed that they are washing their faces in the water troughs after every afternoon feed and after a day of rooting, they seem clean and tidy without any of my help !

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