Top Blog Recipes

3 Dec 2012


Captain Jack Sparrow, Oscar's scallywag pirate friend came to celebrate at his birthday party
The Pirate birthday cake


Fabulous find these cup cake holders
Excellent pirate balloons


Walk the plank over shark and kracken infested waters, Arrrgh me maties

Captain Jack walked the plank and there was mutiny at foot when a shipmate scuppered the Captains plank and sent him flying into the Briney blue sea
Shark bay where you will be made to walk the plank!

Captain Jack Sparrow getting to know his new crew and setting them challenges
Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Oscar making an accord, Captain Jack said Oscar needs to eat more as all his bones were showing!

Oh that is just mean, being blindfolded to walk the plank!

The Pirate Lesson

The Pirate lesson, Captain Jack Sparrow took all the young pirates into Oscar's pirate room and they had a lesson on being a pirate, once they had all leaned all of the words like avast, shiver me timbers, booty, looting and splicing the mainbrace they were awarded a pirate certificate which gives each pirate the right to plunder and pillage under the safety of Captain Jack Sparrow
Treasure hunt now that all Captain Jack's crew had passed their pirate lesson it was off to find some booty and look for clues to find the missing parts of the treasure map.

Lets go looting and find this treasure.
The treasure map before it was hidden with clues to lead you astray.  The final clue being on the back of the whole map once put back together.
Arrgh the treasure be found, cursed Aztec gold from Cortez.
Happy Birthday Captain Oscar 
Captain Jack at the head of the table with Captain Oscar for pirate party tea.

Pirate boats for plates, how cool!


In all the very Best Every Pirate party, Captain Jack Sparrow (Melo) was the most fantastic Captain Jack Sparrow and person, we all had an awesome time and Oscar is so pleased that Captain Jack came to his house to celebrate his birthday, The pirate games where fantastic and really good fun made so much more special by Captain Jack whose character remained throughout, with great improvisations including all us adults as well as the children.  Highly recommend Melo, (confuzinJack) for any entertainment venue, just wish we could have kept him.


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