Top Blog Recipes

16 Jan 2013


One of the very best leftover meals

Love love love bubble and squeak it has to be traditional, proper left over roasted potatoes, brussel sprouts and cabbage, there are two ways I make this, I either crush or rough chop all the ingredients and have a chunky texture bubble or I frappe all the ingredients in a blender and make a smoother softer bubble.

Roast potatoes
Steamed cabbage
Boiled brussel sprouts
Salt and pepper
Dash ooil
Knob of butter

So simple just crush, chop or frappe, place in a large mixing bowl and season well.  Form into small patties or one large pancake.  In a frying pan heat a dash of ooil and knob of butter, not too much as there is some fat in the roasted potatoes and you want your bubble to be light not heavy and greasy.  Pan fry for approx 5 minutes each side until both sides are caramelised and the bubble is heated all the way through.  Serve alone or as a accompaniment with poached eggs and black pudding, or with cold cuts of ham.

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