Top Blog Recipes

7 Mar 2013


(makes 12)
500g strong white flour
1 tsp salt
7g dried yeast
2 tsp ground cinnamon
300g warm milk
50g butter softened
1 egg
dash veg oil
100g raisins
200g sultanas
100g dried apricots fine diced
200g dried cranberries
2 hot cups of tea with 2 sugars
orange zested
50g butter soft
100g soft dark brown sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
3 tbsp marmalade warmed
1 orange squeezed
 200g (ish) icing sugar
1 orange zested for dusting
First make a cup of strong tea with two sugars and pour over the dried fruit leaving to one side for half an hour or longer for the fruit to plump up.  Next to make the cinnamon dough, put the flour, salt and yeast in bowl, make a well in the centre of the bowl and add the beaten egg into the centre, warm the milk and add the butter so it just melts then add to the flour mixture and stir in well until the  contents come together as a soft dough.
Tip out the dough onto a floured worktop, knead for five minutes until the dough is smooth and elastic and no longer sticky, place in a clean, lightly greased bowl and cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for approx 1 hr to double in size.
Once the dough has doubled in size, punch down and turn out onto your worktop, roll the dough out to a rectangle approx 5mm thick, brush all over generously with some melted butter, sprinkle with the brown sugar, cinnamon, fruit and orange zest.  I learnt from the great bake off to take one side down which did really help with the rolling.  Take the far side of the dough and start to roll up tight and keep going until you have a giant roll.  Cover with a tea towel and leave to rest and rise in your warm kitchen for 30 minutes.  Meanwhile pre-heat the oven to 190 degrees.
Once you have rested the roll for approx 30 minutes with a sharp knife cut into 10 sections approx 4cm wide, place then cut side up on your greased baking tray, leaving a tiny hint of  space around each slice, once again rest for another 30 minutes covered with a tea towel, this really is worth the effort and if well timed you can be getting on with other house hold or garden chores!
Bake the tray of buns for 20-25 minutes until all are risen and have a lovely light golden brown even colour.  Leave to cool on the tray and then brush with the warm melted marmalade and finish off with the squeezed orange juice over the icing sugar, mixed well to make a gorgeous orange icing sugar drizzle to finish off the buns.

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