Top Blog Recipes

6 Apr 2013


First tulips are up and out, very small unfortunately but a flower non the less.

The sparse start to my French Monet's garden, looking forward to the hundreds of bulbs that are under the earth and hoping that this late cold snap has not delayed or stopped them.
The pig run at the bottom of our garden, now working hard on levelling out the ground with top soil, 5 ton's so far and laying the turf so that we can enjoy the garden for the summer.

A hard days work and what a transformation where the pig run was.

One of my most favourite flowers.

My little start of Monet.

Woodland girls, loving that spring is finally arriving.
Been a frustrating start to the year re-growing vegetables and flowers, we had that wonderful window of warm spring in February which lulled me in to a knowing false sense of security, and I got all excited and planted out my tulips, nanus, zantedheilas, daffodils, agapanthas, another nanus, bluebells and lavenders all sort of doing ok, holding strong but they have flowered low stem.
Last week I could not wait any longer and I gave in on Good Friday and planted out my onions, leeks, garlic, potato's, beetroots, and carrots, fingers crossed they take.

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