Top Blog Recipes

11 Jun 2013


First salad from my garden, two types of lettuce, baby spinach leaves, baby spring onions, chives, oregano, tomatoes and basil.  Topped with roast chicken tossed in buffalo and blue cheese mayo and warm grilled halloumi cheese, finished off with a drizzle of olive oil and English apple cider vinegar.
1 pack halloumi sliced
Lettuce leaves whole &
some finely sliced
1 beef tomato diced
baby spring onions whole
baby spinach leaves
fresh chopped chives
left over roast chicken
 2 tbsp West Indian hot sauce
6 tbsp mayonnaise
2 tbsp blue cheese spread
6 fresh oregano leaves
6 fresh basil leaves
glug of ooil
drizzle of apple cider vinegar
Heat a non stick pan quite hot and place the halloumi in the pan, it takes approx. 3-4 minutes to brown off each side, this adds a nutty creamy rich flavour to the cheese and your salad.
Now to make the buffalo blue cheese mayo by combining all 3 ingredients, toss the chicken in the sauce.  Assemble your lettuce in your bowl and sprinkle over the tomato with a hint of salt and pepper, build up the rest of the ingredients and finish of with the chicken and halloumi and a drizzle of the olive oil and apple balsamic.

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