Top Blog Recipes

26 Jun 2013


A few simple ingredients that make a first class sumptuous salad, no wonder it is the worlds most famous and still top salad.
(serves 2)
1 red apple fine sliced in quarters
1 stick celery fine sliced
1/4 bulb of fennel finely sliced
20 black seedless grapes halved
20ml walnut oil (optional)
1 lemon juiced
4-6 tbsp mayo or
(equal amounts of Greek yogurt and crème fraiche for a light dressing)
mixed lettuce leaves, rocket and watercress
100g walnuts halved
1 egg white
1 tsp fennel seeds
pinch of cayenne
pinch of sweet paprika
First candied walnuts, toss the walnuts in the egg white and then in the spices, sprinkle out on baking paper on a tray and place in a pre-heated oven 160 degrees for 15 minutes, until slightly toasted.
Toss the apple in the lemon juice, this is to stop the oxidation and de-colouration, place in a large mixing bowl the sliced apple, fennel, celery, grapes and mixed salad leaves.  Mix the mayo with a little of the lemon juice and gently whisk in the walnut oil, toss in the salad and mix gently but thorough.
Place your salad on your plate or in a bowl and sprinkle of the halved candied walnuts and enjoy.

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