Top Blog Recipes

20 Jul 2013


This is the cherry on top of the roast beef dinner, leftover roast potatoes and vegetables become glorious bubble and squeak, great with eggs and bacon for a lovely brunch or as bubble and squeak patties with left over beef and poached eggs.
(per portion)
Left over roasted veg and roast potatoes
left over roast beef
75ml white wine vinegar
3 eggs
sea salt and fresh black pepper
A very quick to make brunch or supper dish, I take all the left over roasted vegetables and roasted potatoes and either rough chop them or pulse them in a blender, be careful not to make a paste.  I don't add any extra oil as there is enough in the left over veg, I pan fry on a medium heat turning 3-4 times for 10 minutes as a large pancake or I make individual patties, these pan fry for approx five minutes each side.
Bring a small tall deep pan to a rolling boil and add the white wine vinegar, then I crack my egg into a tea cup and just gently pop into the centre of the boiling water, cook for approx. 4-5 minutes, this will give you a set white with a thick runing yolk.  If you like a runny egg then cook for 4 minutes.
I topped each bubble and squeak pattie with a little of the the left over roast beef, sea salt and a poached egg, glorious.

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