Top Blog Recipes

13 Aug 2013


After cooking a lovely Sunday lunch, we were indoors tidying up, when there was a muffled bang!  I did not think anything of it, then my husband came and said to me, I need you to have a sense of humour and to expect the worse.  I knew immediately that my oven must have had an accident.
The heat from the oven has cracked the slate base that I build the firebrick floor on top of.  This is my error, I did not do any homework about what the base of the pizza oven should be made from when I built it.  If I had put more than one supporting beam in place then the base would have still cracked under the heat but the supporting beams would have stopped the floor from falling through.
To repair I am going to build a new wall left and right, front to back inside the base and then slip on top RSJ supporting beams all the way across, then a heat resistant 1000 degree asbos board and then finally slide in a new floor layer and pug up, so in effect I am building a new base floor from below to support the existing base floor, as I believe the rest of the base floor will probably crack from future heat over time this is to minimise any movement of my oven firebrick floor and add permanent support.
I am missing cooking in my oven already, so hopefully I plan on getting this work underway next week and finishing within a week.  Then I think she will have to be christened again with something spectacular, like pitt beef or another pizza party...



  1. What a b----r!!

  2. I am just grateful that the rest of the base has held fast!!!

  3. Oh, what a shame! I hope it all goes smoothly fixing it up. Maybe firebricks next time? I have used clay pavers ( my second build too, my first collapsed :(. This time around taking it very slowly and letting it dry between layers. I commented before and you said you would love to see a photo when I was done, but just wondering if you have an email address or something? I have documented my build at The fresh loaf in forums- beginning the rebuild. Good luck with fixing up your floor, you did a great job with your oven and really inspired me, after two builds you will be quite an expert!

  4. Hello, thanks for your kind words, You have just hit the nail on the head and really helped, I will look into doing the new floor underneath with fire bricks, thank you. My email is, how exciting cant wait to see your build. :-)
