Top Blog Recipes

8 Sept 2013


London Grannies mustard and lemon mini Cornish dressed crab, butter pan fried crevettes, Tabasco oysters, princess scallops pan fried in nutty butter, mollet quail eggs seasoned with celery salt and cayenne pepper finished off with caviar for my dad's birthday
4 mini crab shells or dishes
1 ptn Cornish crab meat white and brown
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/4 lemon zest and juice
salt and white pepper
hint of dill
1 tbsp mayo
Very simple, season the crab with the salt, pepper, then mix the mayo, mustard, lemon zest and juice together and gently fold in the crab meat to the mayo mix, put the crab meat back in the shells and finish off with a sprig of dill and maybe a hint of lemon.
4 per person
100g butter
50ml ooil
Melt your butter and ooil in your frying pan until it is just bubbling then add your crevettes and cook for approx. 2 minutes on each side only turning once, these are easy to see when just cooked as they change colour from blue to pink, don't be tempted to over cook as the crevettes will become rubbery.
5 per person with shells
50g butter
Melt the butter until frothy in your frying pan and then add the scallops, pan fry for 1 minute on each side and then remove and put the scallop in the shells and spoon over some of the nutty butter.
2-4 per person
1 bottle Tabasco sauce
1 wedge of lemon
Simplicity and honest flavours at their best, shuck the oyster when ready to eat, seasoned the oyster with a dash of Tabasco sauce, a squeeze of lemon and enjoy immediately.
3 per person fresh quail eggs
celery salt with cayenne pepper
Bring a deep pan of water to a rolling boil, season with salt and then gently slide in the quail eggs for 2 minutes, remove on the mark and run under cold water for 2 minutes, this is really important, as it cools and stops the cooking process, which keeps the white cooked and the yolk soft and just runny.  Once cooled season with a pinch of celery salt and cayenne pepper.
For the presentation, all I did was take a large dish or plate and put a small glass in the centre, I then filled the dish with crushed or bashed ice, I then place a smaller side plate on top of the glass and then placed all the different cold fish on the ice and the warm princess scallops on the top plate.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love creme brulee!! I will definitely be trying this recipe and let you know. Lovely blog and gorgeous recipes. I have saved so many of them. Can't wait for my WFO now.
