Top Blog Recipes

4 Sept 2013


WAHOO, so excited the builders turned up this morning and within 4hrs my glorious pizza oven who I really should name! was all fixed with a new supporting RSJ floor built up from underneath with an old fashioned lime cement insulating barrier, this is what fire places were built from in days gone by and can withstand the heat that this little beauty has been firing out.
Every time I look at my gorgeous pizza oven I feel very pleased that I built her myself, this is enough for me, I felt I could have builders in to repair her and here are the boys, it only took them 4 hours and what a glorious job they have done.  They built two new walls inside the log storage part so that they could slide on five concrete RSJ's, then puged up the new supporting floor with lime cement from underneath, then working from inside the pizza oven, they were able to re-lay the fire brick pizza oven cooking floor into the pug.  Hopefully this will support the rest of the base that the pizza oven is sitting on from cracking under the heat.
What a beautiful sight, I can not wait to start cooking again, however I am not allowed to fire up the oven until Saturday...Three days away.........Now all I have to do is think of something spectacular to cook for her first day back, then I feel another pizza party before the summer is over...

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