Top Blog Recipes

11 Sept 2013


So pleased to have my oven back up and running, even if I am finding she is a little more efficient, maybe than we should be? Within 45minutes she is holding a steady 700 degrees, so maybe I need to slow down my feeding of the fire and let her go up to come back down quickly and try to keep her at around 500 degrees.  Have burnt a few loaves and one pizza spontaneously combusted!
(search engine top right corner for recipe - sourdough culture)
300g sourdough culture (Betty)
 460g strong white plain flour
10g salt
230ml warm water
That is all it takes to make the most wonderful perfect natural loaf of bread!  Place the flour and salt on your work top and make a well in the centre, add the sourdough culture and water into the well and then make your hand like a beak and in a circular motion slowly incorporate the flour into the wet liquid until you have a sticky mass. 
Don't feel tempted to add any flour, I know I did the first time I used this method, but the more you work the dough the less sticky and spring it will become. 
To fold air in to the dough, lift the dough up like a child under the arms and then throw the dough forward away from you, without letting go of the piece you are holding, when it hits the work top and sticks then with the dough that is still in your hands pull back a little and throw forward like the crest of a large rolling wave, and then roll the dough back towards you, in effect you are creating a whole circle, which is allowing you to fold and trap air inside the dough.
Do this for 7-10 minutes until your dough is smooth and springy to touch, you may sprinkle a hint of flour towards the end of the kneading if required.

Place in your floured proving basket or bowl and cover, leave to rise for 4hours or more, when ready to cook, pre-heat your oven with a pizza stone (230 degrees), or your wood fired oven 300 degrees.  Gently tip the dough out onto the cooking surface and bake for 15-25 minutes until lovely and crusty and you have the traditional hollow tapping sound from the base.


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