Top Blog Recipes

13 Oct 2013


I am having such fun, I think if I had really thought about low fat cooking and the challenge of still cooking and eating exciting dinners, I probably would have reduced my size long before now, but the greedy cook in me disagrees and I think she is right!
This is another great low fat, low calorie dinner that is bursting full of flavour, here I have used half the amount of coconut milk I would like to have used but this is because I have used full fat, my reason for this is that I will not use any ingredients that have added sugars or hidden fats ie "half fat" products as these are more harmful to your health than honest fats, I feel better having a smaller cleaner portion than a bigger helping full of processed chemicals.
Per portion: 490 kcal based on serving three potions.
(serves 3-4)
1 small onion diced
1 clove garlic diced
1 tsp olive oil
1 inch ginger grated
200ml coconut milk
1 jar Bart Red Thai curry paste
1 tsp Harissa paste
1 tbsp peanut butter
1 red pepper sliced
1/2 yellow pepper sliced
6 mushrooms quartered
6 stems asparagus chopped
3 stalks of stem broccoli sliced
200g monkfish thick sliced
1 cup of rice (brown is better)
10 peanuts crushed
handful chopped coriander
This only takes around 15 minutes to cook, so start the rice first, place the rice in a saucepan with a lid, add two more cups of water and with the lid on simmer for 6 minutes, do not be tempted to lift the lid or stir, take off the heat and leave to one side, lid on for 10 minutes, now your rice is perfectly cooked and ready to go, meanwhile cook the curry.
Soften the onions and garlic in the oil, add the ginger, coconut milk, red Thai curry paste, harissa, peanut butter, asparagus and broccoli, and simmer for a couple of minutes, now add the mushrooms, peppers and stir in, pop the monkfish on top and push down a little into the sauce, pop on a lid and gently simmer for around 5 minutes until the monkfish is just cooked. 
Serve with rice and finish off with a sprinkling of coriander and crushed peanuts.

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