Top Blog Recipes

7 Oct 2013


Portion approx:   500 kcal / 60g carbs / 2g sugars / 14g fat / 7g sat / 15g protein
(serves 2-3) 
300g arborio risotto rice
3 knobs of butter
2 tbsp ooil
1 small onion fine fine diced
1 clove garlic fine diced
200g wild mushrooms
50g dried mushrooms
Hot 500ml mushroom stock
(made with the dried mushrooms)
Hot 500ml chicken stock
200ml dry white wine
Salt and white pepper to taste
100g grated Parmesan
Truffle shavings and truffle oil
 Wild Ceps, Giant Funnel, Chicken of the Woods and Winter Chanterelle mushrooms, slice whatever mushrooms you have and in a non stick pan melt a large knob of butter and dash of ooil gently pan fry the mushrooms for only a minute, mushrooms need only to kiss the pan, reserve to one side.
Heat the butter and ooil in your pan and gently fry the onion and garlic, until opaque, do not colour, turn up the heat a little and add the risotto rice and stir for a few minutes until it starts to turn slightly translucent, we are now starting to release the gluten layers from the rice.  Now add the wine and gently keep stirring while the rice gently absorbs all the liquid.
Once the wine has been absorbed turn down the heat to a medium and add a ladle of the hot mushroom stock, keep stirring gently until all the liquid has been absorbed, keep adding ladles of mushroom and chicken stock, allowing each ladle to be absorbed before add the next, this should take around 15 minutes, when you add the last ladle of stock also add all the mushrooms.  Taste the risotto, you are looking for the rice to be soft with a slight bite, you want your risotto consistency to be slightly wet not thick and stodgy.
Remove the pan from the heat, season, stir in the knob of butter and grated Parmesan, cover with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes, this resting time will allow the risotto to become all creamy, smooth and gooey.
If you have a Truffle, shave a little over the top of your served risotto along with a drizzle of truffle oil, to add that extra layer of mushroom flavour.
This is a really simple way to make a deep flavoured stock, just pour 500ml of hot water over the dried mushrooms and leave for an hour as the mushrooms re-hydrate they will perfume the water.


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