Top Blog Recipes

10 Dec 2017


I love to make this old fashioned pie, every Christmas I cook several for my friends and neighbours, most love the old fashioned game pie layered with pigeon breast, pheasant, rabbit and venison, with a middle layer of chicken and brandy pate and a jelly top.

This pie is a show stopper, which makes it feel special, You can fill this pie with what ever you love, serve it hot or cold, take it on a picnic, this is why I love making this pie.  I follow a very old recipe for the hot water crust to use with this pie tin.  The tin comes in three sections that you clip together, the tin is from France as this is where this fluted pie originated from.  The tin is available on line, just Google, French raised game pie tin, and you will find a cook shop that stocks them, this is where I got mine, I am still looking for that old vintage tin tho!


1 tbsp butter
1 onion fine chopped
2 cloves of garlic grated
2 pheasant breasts (200g)
4 pigeon breasts (300g)
250g diced rabbit
250g diced venison
 2 sprigs of thyme
1 sage leaf
1 small pinch of mace
1 egg beaten
White and black pepper
300ml game or beef stock
Gelatin leaves

1 shallot finely diced
1 garlic clove grated
A knob of butter
Dash of ooil
500g trimmed chicken livers
1 sprig of thyme
1 small pinch of mace
Black pepper
150ml brandy
50ml double cream

110g lard
110g butter
200ml water
2 eggs beaten
10g salt
550g plain flour

 Make the hot water crust first, the reason for this is to allow it to chill slightly, so that when you line the sides of the tin the pastry will stay up easier.  Place the butter, lard and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then take off the heat, meanwhile in a large bowl place the flour and give a little whisk, this is just as good as sieving without the mess!  Season the flour with the salt, pour in the beaten eggs and with a knife cut into the flour, pour over the hot fat and with a spoon or your hands mix the two together to form a ball, leave on the side covered with some baking paper while you make the pate.

In a non stick pan gently soften the shallots and garlic in the butter and ooil, add the chicken livers and thyme, pan sear until almost cooked, add the brandy and simmer for a minute, add the season and mace, place in a blender and pulse until smooth, add a little cream if you want a richer pate, taste and season more if needed.  Place in a air tight container in the fridge while you assemble the pie.

Take two thirds of the pastry which will still be warm, I don't roll this pastry you raise it, take your tin and pull off a tennis ball size of pastry and just push it into the tin, you are going to line the tin making sure that the walls are not to thin otherwise the pastry won't be able to support the pie and it may tear letting all the gorgeous game juices pour away, resulting in a dry pie.

Roll out the remaining pastry to the size and shape of the lid.  Season all the game with salt and black pepper, layer the pheasant in the bottom of the pie then top with the pate, next the diced venison and rabbit and finish off the layering with the pigeon breasts, pack the meat quite firmly as there will be some shrinkage during cooking which is where you will pour in your jelly once cooked.  Egg wash the rim and place on your lid, cut a small criss cross hole in the center of the pie lid, this is two fold, one to allow steam to escape helping to keep the pastry from going soggy and secondly to allow you access to fill the cavity with the jelly later on.  

I love to give this pie a fluted crimp, this is easy to do, once the lid is sitting on top of the pie with no over hang, take your left index finger and thumb place at the edge of the crust, place your right index finger on the top of the lid and as you push in and up with your left fingers, push in with your right, in effect you are pinching the pastry between to create a dimple, but raising either side to creat the fluted effect.  Don't egg wash yet.

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees and cook the pie for 30 minutes, then turn the oven down to 150 degrees and cook for a further 1 hr 20 minutes, if the top starts to get dark cover with some tin foil.  Remove from the oven and leave to stand for 10 minutes, gently remove the clips and then the sides from the tin, now you will have your first glimps of your free standing raised pie, gently egg wash the whole pie and pop back in the oven for 10-15 minutes to set the glaze and firm up the sides.
Remove the pie from the oven and leave to cool and firm up before removing the base of the tin.

Once the pie has cooled, you can make the jelly stock and pour in the pie cavity.  Soak the gelatin leaves in cold water, place in a pan with the game or beef stock and bring to a simmer, stir until the gelatin is dissolved, remove from the heat and pour into a jug, leave to cool considerably.  using a small funnel or syringe fill the pie cavity until some of the jelly oozes out the top off the pie, now your pie is ready to chill to set the jelly stock, this will need at least 4 hours.

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