Top Blog Recipes

1 Jan 2014


This is the Queen of breakfasts and perfect for New Years Day, I admit to scoffing these down and loved every sweet, salty and sharp mouthful, I had way to much maple syrup, but hey it's a New Year! 

I made these pancakes with buttermilk which gives the pancake a lighter texture with a much more enriched flavour.

(Serves 2-4)
1 cup of self raising flour
1cup of buttermilk
50 ml full cream milk
1 large organic egg
Pinch of salt
Pinch of cinnamon
300ml maple syrup 
250g blueberries
1 vanilla pod seeds scraped out
16 rashers sweet cure bacon
100g butter

I say this serves 2-4 because it depends on how many pancakes you like in a portion, this batter makes 8 pancakes.

Place the egg, buttermilk, milk, vanilla pod, maple syrup, cinnamon and salt in a mixing bowl and whisk together, add the flour and whisk well until smooth, fold in the blueberries, if you can leave the batter to rest for half an hour on the side this will improve the texture, but is not essential.

Heat a flat griddle to medium hot, add a knob of butter and then a ladle of your batter, don't be tempted to turn the pancake until you have lots of air bubbles on the un-cooked side, then flip and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Grill the bacon and serve on top of the warm pancakes with lots and lots of glorious maple syrup, each mouthful will deliver paradise.

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