Top Blog Recipes

9 Jan 2014


This is one of the best left over dishes ever!!!   I just love the thought of all the left over Christmas cheese, heck any cheese anytime of the year, being used for the ultimate Mac n Cheese.  I will admit that I prefer macaroni or linguine above penne pasta when it comes to this kind of oozey cheesy sauce, however penne pasta is what I had in the larder when the craving took hold and that is that!

(Serves 4)

1 ltr Jersey top gold milk
1 small onion whole
3 whole cloves
1 bay leaf
100g butter
100g plain flour
500g strong cheddar
(Any left over cheese will do)
Salt and white pepper
Fresh ground black pepper 
Freshly grated nutmeg

Peel the onion whole and using the whole cloves as a stud pin the bay leaf to the onion, pop in the milk and bring to almost a simmer, take off the heat and leave to infuse while you make the roux.

Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the flour, keep stirring over a low heat and cook out the roux for five minuets, start to add the milk, a ladle at a time, stirring all the time until all the milk has been absorbed, now on an almost simmer cook out the sauce for 20 minutes, stirring every minute or so.

Funny story, years ago when we first started to become more interested in food we had this TRUCKLE for Christmas, we did not really enjoy the cheese, because we did not realise that the outer was a muslin cloth, this we had eaten as a crust on the cheese !!!!  I still do not know how we managed to do that!  We still blame the wine !

Season your white sauce with a hint of salt and white pepper, a touch of nutmeg and some freshly ground black pepper then add your grated cheese, the amount of cheese will depend on your left overs and taste buds.  Gently warm through until the cheese has melted and you have a smooth sauce.  

Cook your pasta and drain, toss in the sauce, now Italian's are more about the pasta and less with the sauce, with this dish I am all about the sauce and less about the pasta!  It is the oozey sumptuous rich creamy moorishness of the cheese, a lip smacking gorgeous dinner.

Pour the pasta into a oven proof dish, sprinkle more cheese over the top and pop in the oven for 20 minutes to brown off then enjoy.

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