Top Blog Recipes

4 Jan 2014



Melt in the mouth tender venison served with creamy mashed potatoes and watercress, finished with a drizzle of home made port and elderberry jelly from the summer's harvest.

( serves 2-3)
Four bone rack of venison
2 fistfuls of watercress
1 kg King Edward potatoes
100g butter
100ml full cream milk
Dash of white onion vinegar (optional)
Salt and white pepper

500ml port
300g jam sugar
100 ml elderberry cordial ( optional) 

First make the jelly, in a thick bottomed saucepan mix the sugar, port and elderberry cordial until dissolved, turn on the heat and bring to a rolling boil for four minutes.  Remove from the heat and leave to cool.  If you want to check that your jelly is going to be set once cooled, take a teaspoon of the jelly and pour onto a saucer, leave to cool for a few minutes, tip the saucer to check the consistency of your jelly.  The jelly will still be warm when it comes time to serve your meal.

Peel your potatoes and put them on to boil while you cook the venison.

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees.  Sear the rack of venison in a non stick pan, place the pan in your oven and cook for around 18-22 minutes until the centre temprature is 55 degrees or to your choice.

50 degrees RARE
55 degrees RARE-MEDIUM
60 degrees MEDIUM
70 degrees WELL DONE

Once your venison is cooked, remove the pan from the oven, remembering that the pan handle will be hot!  Cover with foil and leave to rest for 10 minutes.  Meanwhile mash your potatoes add the butter, milk, seasoning and a hint of vinegar if wanted, this is something my nan always did.  

To serve place your mashed potatoes in the centre of your plate, pile the watercress high in top, place your venison cutlets around the potato and drizzle over some of the warm port and elderberry jelly.

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