Top Blog Recipes

29 Jan 2014


Gorgeous crispy thin crust dough stuffed full of jammon serrano, salami cured meats, fresh onions, peppers, chillies, fresh tomatoes and lots of gooey melting buffalo and mozzarella cheese.  This is more than a pizza, each bite delivers a mouthful of gorgeous creamy buffalo mozzarella cheese with the punch of chilli followed by the richness from the cured meats, the crunch from the peppers and onions finishes the mouthful with freshness from the tomatoes and thyme.

A stromboli is more than a pizza and similar to a calzone, just stuffed with a deeper filling, Stromboli is a small Island off the north coast of Sicily.


500g 00 flour
15g dried yeast
10g salt
50ml oil
320g water
Semolina for dusting

Mix all the dry ingredients together, add the oil and water and bring together to form a ball, knead for 7 minutes until the dough is smooth and springs back.  Cover and leave on the side for one hour to prove or you can prove in the fridge for min six hours or over night, the dough will keep for two days in the fridge, when you are ready to use the dough leave to relax at room temperature for 15 minutes, divide into 4-6 balls, dust with a little flour or semolina.

Jammon Serrano 
Mozzarella grated
fresh buffalo mozzarella
Fresh tomatoes
Fresh basil leaves
Pinch of fresh thyme
Sliced onion
Sliced red peppers
Sliced red chillies

Roll out your dough into a thin rectangle, layer all your toppings in the middle of the dough, then fold the left side up and over the filling, repeat with the right side so you have a long sausage shape.  Gently roll the Stromboli over onto a pizza peel if you have one and slide onto your pre-heated pizza stone in the oven or into your pizza oven, cook for a few minutes in a pizza oven or approx 10 minutes on a pizza stone until golden brown all over.

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