Top Blog Recipes

10 Feb 2014


Wonderfully satisfying simple left over roast chicken pie, throw in some mushrooms give it a boost with chorizo, bacon and asparagus in a light stock and white wine sauce.  What is wonderful about this dinner from your left over roast is you do not need as much chicken as you think, I used approx 300g+ for this large pie which would feed a family of four comfortably.


900g plain flour
200g butter or stork
220g lard
10g salt
360ml cold water

(300g)+ Left over roast chicken
1 knob of butter
1 glug of ooil 
50g chorizo
6 streaky rashers of bacon
200g+ mushrooms roughly chopped
6 stems of asparagus chopped

50g butter
50g flour
200ml white wine
500ml chicken stock
100ml double cream
Salt and pepper

First make your pastry, put the flour, salt lard and butter in a large bowl and roughly rub or cut in, add the water and just bring together, you don't want to over work the pastry.  Wrap and leave to relax in the fridge for half an hour.  Roll out the base and pie lid quite thin and line the base of your pie tin.  Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees.  If you don't want to cook the pie straight away, don't egg wash and pop in the fridge covered in cling film until needed.

In a non stick pan melt the butter and ooil pan fry the mushrooms for 5 minutes, add the chorizo for 3 minutes, chorizo is loaded with gorgeous smoked paprika oils and will ooze out lots, this adds a lovely flavour to your sauce, then add the bacon and asparagus and cook for a further 5 minutes, remove from the heat and toss in the roast chicken, leave to cool slightly. 

To make the sauce melt the butter in a pan, add the flour, stir well and gently cook out the flour for a couple of minutes add the white wine and whisk in well to avoids any lumps, once smooth and just back up to a simmer start adding the chicken stock a ladle at a time until you have a medium thick sauce, then add the cream and season to taste with salt and pepper. 

Add the chicken meat filling to the sauce and fold in, pour into the pie tin, egg wash the rim of the pastry and pop on the pie lid, crimping the edges to seal the filling in.  Egg wash the top and pop in your pre-heated oven for approx 30-40 minutes until golden brown.

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