Top Blog Recipes

19 May 2014


Just outstanding and fabulous, this is a left over meal, if I have a baked sweet potato I always bake a few extra so that you can make another meal.  The left over sweet potato is transformed by adding pan fried bacon along with raw onion, chillies and coriander, these potato cakes deliver a sweet salty creamy filling with a really gorgeous crispy pan fried crust which just makes these super yummy!  Bring these up a notch with a poached egg or to really va va voom this serve with hollindaise sauce.

(makes 4)

2 baked sweet potatoes
4 rashers of sweet cure bacon 
1 tbsp seed omega  or avocado oil
1 small onion finely chopped
2 fresh chillies fine chopped
1 clove garlic grated
2 tbsp chopped coriander
1 egg beaten
salt and black pepper

This is just as easy to make from scratch if you don't have leftover backed potatoes.  Scoop out the sweet potato filling of the potatoes into a large bowl, pan fry the chopped bacon in the half the oil until crispy, add to the bowl along with the raw onion, garlic, chillies, coriander, beaten egg, salt and black pepper, mix well. 

 With your hands or using a ring shape the sweet potato into 4 large or 8 small potato cakes, if I am in a perfectionist mode then I like to use rings to shape the potato cakes and cook them in, this is because the rings hold the cakes together well while cooking, but if I am in rustic mode I form the cakes by hand and I am just very careful when I turn the cakes as they want to loose their round shape a little that's all.  

Heat the remaining oil to a medium heat and pan fry the potato cakes for approx 5 minutes each side, I try to only turn the potato cakes once so that they keep their shape better and you ensure a crispy crust.  Serve as they are with salad or as I suggested above with a poached egg and hollindaise sauce for a more sumptuous dinner.

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