Top Blog Recipes

25 May 2014


This ice cream recipe lived up to all my glorious childhood memories of sunny days spent on a windy beach with Nan and Grandad, the wind breakers all set up, buckets and spades and no sand! and frustratingly waiting for lunch time so I could eat the picnic I had helped Nan make along with the constant asking of (can we have a ice cream yet!) knowing I  had to wait till after our picnic lunch for our ice-cream!

(makes 1 litre)
600ml rich Jersey cream
200ml Jersey milk
3 large egg yolks (55g) ish
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
100g fine caster sugar
600g rhubarb
150g caster sugar

If you do not have an ice cream machine don't worry you just place the ice cream in a tub in the freezer and every half hour stir the ice cream, you will need to repeat this until the mix becomes soft ice cream.  The advantage of a ice cream maker is it removes the chances of ice crystals forming in the ice cream because it freezes the ice cream fast.

In a bowl whisk the sugar, vanilla, cream and milk together, place in a saucepan warm through for five minutes, do not allow to simmer, take of the heat while, next place the egg yolks in a bowl with the pinch of salt, pour the hot cream over the egg yolks whisking all the time, return the mix to the pan and bring up to 85 degrees slowly, keep whisking all the time, cook for 5 minutes, this is to sterilise the egg yolks and cream, once you have done this take off the heat and leave to cool on the side for up to 1 hour before using or putting in the fridge and use over the next 48 hours, this is your ice cream.

Chop the rhubarb into  generous cubes, sprinkle with the sugar and approx 50ml water, simmer for around five minutes with a lid on the pan until the rhubarb is super soft and no liquid is left, blended the rhubarb to make the texture super smooth in the ice cream, leave to one side to cool.

Now to turn this gorgeous custard into scrumptious ice-cream, I used my ice cream maker machine, I poured in the vanilla cream base and added 600g of the rhubarb compote to the mix and just turned on the ice cream maker for 20 minutes, well I must admit to eating a third of the mix before it went into the ice cream maker because it was so gorgeous!!!  Place your soft scoop ice cream into a tub and place in the freezer until needed, and enjoy.

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