Top Blog Recipes

6 Jun 2014


Abundance of goodness, this is a soul restoring bowl of sunshine, packed full of vitamins, minerals and anti-bacterial properties.  This is a simple one pot cook that looks like a lot of effort but it really is not once you have made the simple bone stock you just load everything in one pot and cook for a couple of minutes, this really is fast food!  This cook also gives you lots of left over chicken for the rest of the weeks meals like stir fry's sandwiches, wraps and pies, more broth to name a few because you are only after the chicken stock and a hint of the meat.

The geeky science bit...
Chicken bone stock has anti viral anti bacterial properties, as much as 25% as effective as penicillin, the asparagus is loaded with vitamin C, E, K, B6, calcium, magnesium, zinc, betacarotene, iron, fibre, stimulates the kidneys, also supplier of potassium, copper, thiamine, riboflavin, folic acid, selenium, chromium which enhances the ability of insulin to transport glucose from blood cells to amino acids.  The watercress helps purify blood, Vitamin A, iodine, iron, Vitamin C, E.  Turmeric a super food Vitamin C, calcium, iron, potash, magnesium, copper, zinc, B6, riboflavin, niacin, choline, antioxidants that control blood cholesterol levels.  Red peppers full of vitamin A, C, betacarotene, strong antioxidant protects heart and immune system and organ and blood cleansing.  Broccoli supports liver, antioxidant cleaner, calcium, vitamin A, enzyme Q10.  Lastly garlic the King of healing fights stomach bugs, allicin and selenium, cleans the liver, anti bacteriall, viral and fungal, reduces risks of blood clots and cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation.

(makes 6-8 ptns)
For the stock
1 large organic free range chicken
2 carrots
3 sticks celery
1 large onion
1 leek
6 fresh bay leaves
10 whole peppercorns
few sprigs of fresh thyme
handfull of fresh parsley
1 habanero chili
1 lrg pinch of salt
6 cloves of garlic
1 tsp turmeric powder or grated
2" ginger grated
1 stick lemongrass bashed
jelly stock pots (if needed)
water to cover the chicken

For the soup per person
3 ladles of above chicken stock
Approx 2oz poached chicken
100ml coconut milk
1 tsp tamarind paste
1 tsp tom yum paste
1 tsp Harissa paste
3 spears of asparagus per person
3 stems of broccoli per person
6 mangetout per person
small handful of watercress per person
1 red chilli sliced
2 spring onions sliced
2 tbsp coriander
1 red pepper diced

Take a large stock pot and place all the ingredients except the jelly stock pots in to the pan, pour in the water until you have just covered the chicken, pop on a lid and gently simmer for 1 hr if using a pressure cooker or 2-3hrs on a low and slow, turn off the heat and leave to cool, at this point I taste the stock and season with salt and pepper, if it is a bit watery you can reduce the amount of liquid to strengthen the flavour or add a healthy msg free jelly chicken stock pot to add depth to the chicken water, once cool remove the chicken, by waiting for the chicken to cool in the stock the chicken re-absorbs lots of the chicken stock and gives the most moist chicken meat, pour the stock through a seive into a large jug, this I now place in the fridge to set if I am not using immediatly, this allows me to remove the layer of fat that will set on top easily, but if you are using straight away just spoon off as much fat as you can if you want.

To make your gorgeous broth bring four ladles per person to a gentle simmer, chop and add the asparagus, mangetout and broccoli to the stock along with the coconut milk, tamarind, tom yum, harrisa and chicken meat, simmer for 2-3 minutes and take of the heat, in your serving bowl place your watercress, spring onion, chilli, red pepper and coriander, pour over the hot broth and enjoy.

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