Top Blog Recipes

3 Jun 2014


Whats not to love, gorgeous spicy creamy coronation curry chicken & asparagus stuffed in to an avocado shell loaded with a fresh zesty garlic and coriander chilli guacamole, super food full of super health giving goodness.

Now for the geeky science bit...
The avocado is packed with vitamin's B6, K, C, & E, 67% mono-unsaturated fats, produces compound necessary for your liver to cleanse toxins from your body, potassium folic acid, high in fibre and the helpful fats lower blood cholesterol, 19% fat palmittic & linoleic acid, 14% saturated fat. Garlic the King of healing foods has selenium and allicin which cleans the liver, along with antibacterial and antiviral properties, reduces risk of clots and cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation.  Onions offer vitamin C, B6, folic acid, flavonoids and anit-inflammatory, the pepper gives you betacarotene, Vitamin C, A (if red), strong antioxidant, protects heart and immune system and helps with organ and blood cleansing, and the chilli is really high in vitamin C, and levels of pro-vitamin A, B, B6, carotene, potassium, magnesium and iron.  

 The curry spiced chicken stimulates blood flow and a sense of well being packed with Vitamin A, C, E, K, B6, B12, riboflavin, niacin, folate, choline, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, sodium, zinc and selenium, and the fresh egg yolks in the mayonnaise are a good source of protein, B12, iron, zinc, lecithin and protect you from heart disease.

(serves 2)

6 oz poached chicken breast shredded
6 stems asparagus chopped 
1 tbsp homemade mayo (recipe below)
1 tsp curry powder or paste
pinch of cayenne pepper
Sea salt and black pepper
1 fresh chilli diced
1/4 lime juiced
1 spring onion sliced
1 tbsp coriander chopped

300ml avocado oil or rapeseed oil
3 egg yolks
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/2 tsp white wine vinegar
Sea salt and white pepper

1 ripe avocado mashed
1 red chilli diced
2 tbsp fine diced red pepper
1 clove garlic grated
Sea salt and black pepper
1/4 lime juiced

First make the mayonnaise, in a deep bowl place a glug of the oil, the egg yolks, white wine vinegar and Dijon mustard, with a balloon whisk, start whisking and slowly at first drizzle in the oil once you have a emulsion you can add the oil at a faster speed, whisk until all the oil is incorporated and you have a lovely glossy thick mayonnaise.

Bring a pan of water to a rolling bowl and simmer the asparagus for two minutes, drain and place in a bowl with the shredded poached chicken, mayonnaise, curry powder or paste, lime juice, chilli, spring onion and coriander mix together and taste, season with salt and black pepper if needed.

Scoop out the flesh of the avocado and place in a bowl, mash with a fork for a rough texture and mix in the chilli, garlic, lime juice, salt and pepper, if you like your guacamole smooth then place in a blender along with the chilli, garlic, lime juice, salt and pepper and blitz until smooth.

Fill the avocado shells with the guacamole and top with the coronation chicken, sprinkle over a little diced chilies, spring onion, coriander and dust with the cayenne pepper

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