Top Blog Recipes

13 Jul 2014


Not only is this a super low calorie and carbs meal it is also packed with lots of life giving goodness with anit-cancer and immunity boosting phytochemicals from the watercress, the plant chloroplylls from the spinach suck up environmental toxins, chemicals and pesticides from your blood, antibacterial properties are found in the garlic and wonderful chest and heart protective effects from the onions, all this in a fabulous bowl of super life loving soup.

Per portion:  222kcal / 19.5g fat / 5.1g sat fat / 8.2g protein / 5.5g carbs / 3g fibre

My geeky bit...
Onion has vitamin C, B6, folic acid, phenolics, flavonoids, anit inflammatory, cholesterol lowering and antioxidant properties, powerful antibacterial and circulatory protectiveness.  Garlic the King of healing has allicin and selenium, cleans the liver, fights food poisoning stomach bugs, anti bacterial, anti viral and anti fungal, reduces risk of clots and helps lower cholesterol and blood pressure and improves circulation.  Chicken bone stock is proven to be 25% as effective as penicillin, anti viral and anti bacterial too.  Watercress gives you (vitamin A, eaten raw), purifies blood and gives you iodine, antibacterial mustard oils, betacarotenes, iron, phenethy isothiocganate, vitamin C, E, iodine.  Spinach regulates blood pressure, supports your immune system, neutralises heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides from your blood, powerful and protective for liver, high in chlorophyll these are what suck up environmental toxins from your blood stream.  

(serves 2)

1 onion chopped
2 cloves garlic grated
1 tsp coconut oil
2 large bunch of watercress
2 large handful of spinach
1 ltr of homemade chicken stock
1 chorizo cooking sausage
2 tbsp cream fraiche optional
salt and pepper optional

This is really quick and easy, slice the chorizo sausage and pan fry in the coconut oil until crispy, remove from the pan, I like to keep the fat from the chorizo in the pan to add flavour to the soup, but if you want to lower the fat in this dish remove, or even remove the chorizo all together,  Gently soften the onions and garlic in the chorizo fat until translucent, add the chicken stock and bring to a simmer add the watercress and spinach and take of the heat, this is enough to cook the greens.  With a stick blender whizz the soup until smooth, taste and season if needed.  To serve load your bowl with this wonderful soup, stir in a spoonful of cream fraiche for that extra level of richness and sprinkle over some of the crispy chorizo and enjoy.

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