Top Blog Recipes

19 Aug 2014


Fantastically fresh vibrant and va va voom chilli hot chicken salad, the zesty lime lifts the creamy coconut and the sweet chilli plum jelly adds that touch of sweetness leading you in to a yummy false sense of security before the habanero chilli in the plum jelly fires up your yang!  Finished off with a fresh pico de gallo salsa for that added level of fresh crunch and flavour.

(serves one)
Prep and cook time 10 minutes

1 organic chicken breast chopped
1 tsp coconut oil
1/2 lime juiced
1 pinch turmeric
100ml coconut milk
1 tbsp sweet hot chilli sauce (plum) recipe below
Handful of spinach
Handful of watercress

For the tomato salsa 
4 baby plum tomatoes chopped
1 spring onion chopped
1 tbsp peppers chopped
1 tbsp coriander chopped
Pinch of salt and black pepper
1 tsp lime juice

A lovely easy, can make in advance salad, ten minutes prep and cooking time tops.  Melt the coconut oil in a non stick pan, add the chicken pan fry, meanwhile rough chop the spinach and watercress and place on your plate, chop and mix all the salsa ingredients, back to the chicken, add the lime juice, turmeric and coconut milk and gently let simmer for a moment, by now the chicken should be just cooked, add the sweet chilli plum jam and once simmering take off the heat, place on top of your salad and top with the pico de gallo salsa and enjoy.


(makes approx 1200ml)

1lb garden plums
10 habanero chillies
2 tbsp crushed chillies
1200ml water
1 kg bag jam sugar
5 x 200ml jars with plastic coated lids

In a deep pan preferably with a thick bottom place the water, habaneros and crushed chillies and bring to a simmer for approx 30 minutes until the chillies are soft and can be gently crushed with a potato masher, take off the heat and mash a little to break down the chillies.  Leave to cool for 10 minutes of so while you remove the stones from your plums, add these to the cooling chilli liquid along with the jam sugar, return to the heat and bring to a rolling boil for approx 6 minutes until the jelly mixture is thicker and syrupy, meanwhile place your jars and lids in a pre heated oven 170 degrees for five minutes to sterilise the jars and lid, fill immediately with the hot chilli plum jelly and seal with the lids, and that is it, these will last for over a year on the shelf, once opened keep in the fridge and enjoy with everything.

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