Top Blog Recipes

15 Aug 2014


Love this time of the year, all our hard work on our mini urban small holding is now paying off and right now I am producing lots of courgettes, marrows, plums, blackberries and apples, so my garden wrote this chutney recipe, and a mighty fine recipe it is too.
(Made 26 jars)
4 onions finely diced
3 tbsp sugar
3kg plums
1kg marrow
1kg courgette
1kg apples
500g sultanas
500ml cider
800ml white wine vinegar
1kg soft dark brown sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 piece cinnamon bark
1 tsp black mustard seeds
6 cloves
2 tbsp dried crushed chillies
26 medium sterilised jars with plastic coated lids
First job is to sterilise your jars, you can do this one of two ways, I do both, either run the jars and lids through the dishwasher and leave to dry completely just before use or place the clean dry jars in a 150 degree oven with the lids off for 5 minutes just before use, I do this because when you place the hot chutney in a hot jar they are less likely to crack and you don't have to wait for your chutney to cool before jarring, and secondly because the hot jars will re-seal themselves preserving your chutney perfectly for around a year.  I love hearing the ping ping ping of the jars lids sealing a few hours after I have finished, a wonderful comforting sound.

This is very simple, gently soften the onions in a tsp of coconut oil for five minutes, add the sugar and caramelise for another three of four minutes, take off the heat.  Medium size dice the courgette, marrow, apples and add to the pan along with the sultanas, cider, white wine vinegar, soft brown sugar and all the seasonings, stir well and bring to a good simmer for around two hours, stir regularly to avoid the bottom sticking or burning.  Your chutney is ready when it is thick and syrupy, taste and adjust if needed but remember that this will improve with age, a minimum of two months and more like four is my rule, however if like my husband you can not wait you can crack into a jar after two weeks!
Jar up and then enjoy, I love giving these away to friends that drop in and to my neighbours and family, they also make great little personal thank you Christmas presents for those people that have helped you through the year.

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