Top Blog Recipes

9 Sept 2014


This is my favourite fabulous way to have a low fat healthy tasty guilt free kebab, one you can have  every week if you want!  Full of good for you fresh ingredients and flavours, I don't feel I have missed out on a take away, and would never go back to one now, this is super fast and easy from wok to plate in under five minutes, total prep/cooking time is under ten minutes.

(serves 2)

6oz lamb (leg or neck fillet)
1 tbsp fesh oregano or 1/2 tsp if dried
Sea salt to taste
Fresh ground black pepper to taste
1 flat tsp coconut oil
1/4 red cabbage finely sliced
1/4 white cabbage finely sliced
1 bunch watercress
2 carrots juillenned
1 onion finely sliced
4 tbsp creme fraiche 
6 mint leaves chopped
4 tbsp grated cucumber 
2 chillies sliced

Prepare all your ingredients first, in a large bowl mix the cabbages, carrot, onion and watercress and pile half in each bowl.  Take the creme fraiche, add the cucumber, mint and mix, drizzle half over the salad.  

Slice the lamb on the diagonal really thin so you have sushi size pieces, season with the salt, pepper and toss with the oregano.  Heat your wok hot, add the coconut oil and then the lamb, stir fry 
for approx two minutes for medium rare, sprinkle over the salad and finish of with the rest of the fresh cucumber and mint creme fraiche and fresh sliced chillies then enjoy.

My geeky good for you bit...
Cucumbers have beneficial properties for kidney, prevents excess uric acid, high in potassium, promotes healthy blood pressure.  Coconut is rich in fibre, vitamin C, E, B1, B5, B6, iron, selenium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, extremely healthy MCFA, lauric acid, easily digested almost immediately broken in your saliva and gastric juices and less likely to be stored as fat, this means pancreatic fat digesting enzymes are not essential which puts less strai. On you liver, allowing it to work more efficiently.  Anti viral, anti bacterial protects your body from infections and viruses.  Regulates thyroid function, highly nutritious.  Cabbage gives you vitamin K, C, B6, B1, B2, B3, iron, sulphur compounds, glucosinolates sinigrin, manganese, fibre, potassium, folate, copper, choline, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, selenium, iron, pantothenic acid, protein.  A perfect food, detox's organs, special cholesterol lowering, best raw or steamed.  Sinigrin is converted into ally-isothiocyonate (AITC) this compound has unique anti carcogenic preventative properties to the 
bladder and colon, iron, sulphur compounds.  Carrots are carotenoids betacarotenes, vitamin A, K, B6, C, B3, B1, B2, E, biotin, fibre, molybdenum, potassium, manganese, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, folate copper, lowers risk of CVD, eat in abundance, significantly lowers risk risk further, antioxidant, benefits and inhibits growth of disease, prevents oxidative damage inside the body, detox cleaner, promotes healthy liver and kidney function, antibacterial and anti viral, protects capillaries, chest, skin and eyes.  Watercress vitamin A, C, E, thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, iron, calcium, iodine, purifies blood, gives iodine, packed with essential vitamins and minerals, has a higher amount of nutrients than most vegetables, highest antioxidant, can increase the ability of cells to resist damage to their DNA, helping protect against the cell changes that lead to carcogenic disease, if eaten daily will supply high levels of calcium.  Onions give you vitamin C, B6, B1, folic acid, phenol ices, flavonoids, manganese, copper, anti bacterial, anti carcogenic, oxidant, protects arteries, can increase bone density and connective tissue, cardio benefits, protects heart and blood vessels, anti clotting capacity, helps prevents unwanted clumping together of the blood platelet cells, lowers blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, improves cell membrane function in red blood cells, anti inflammatory.  Chillies eaten in large quantity gives you vitamin C, B1, B6, carotene, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, capsaicin, manganese, niacin, riboflavin, thiamin, anti bacterial, anti carcogenic, analgesic, anti diabetic, reduces LDL cholesterol, vitamin C is a water soluble antioxidant required for the collagen synthesis in the body this helps maintain blood vessels, skin, organs and bones.  Regular consumption helps body protect from scurvy, develop resistance against infectious diseases, boosts immunity and scavenges harmful pro inflammatory free radicals from your body.

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