Top Blog Recipes

26 Sept 2014


The wonderful self satisfing feeling of padding bare foot through the grass down the garden to collect some eggs, cherry tomatoes and hopefully find a mushroom for breakfast to go with the home reared sausages and home cured bacon from the freezer gives me a warm glowing fuzzy pleasing feeling of success, success from many nights slug hunting, bird avoiding, weeding, watering and badger devastation (because apparently my veg beds are in their path)!  To have a bounty of honest food from the garden is worth every glorious moment of growing it.

(Serves 2)

4 free range eggs
14 cherry tomatoes
2 mushrooms
4 sausages
8 rashers of sweet cure bacon
Sprig of basil
Glug of oil

On a medium high heat brown off the sausages then turn the heat down to medium low to slowly finish cooking your sausages, this should take about thirty minutes, the reason for this is not to allow the skins to pierce keeping the sausages succulent, juicy and full of flavour.  Ten minutes before the sausages are ready, place the bacon under the grill to cook.  Next place the tomatoes in a frying pan with a glug of oil and sear then turn down to a medium heat you want the tomatoes to just hold themselves together so when you pop them in your mouth they melt bursting out all their flavours.  At the same time put your mushrooms in a pan with a hint of oil or butter and let them kiss the pan, they do not need to cook for long.  Finally fry your eggs to your style, me I like my eggs over easy and my husband likes the yolks splattered into the white and fried, add a sprig of basil to the tomatoes.

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