Top Blog Recipes

16 Dec 2016


Best Ever Roast Goose

Best ever rustic roast goose I have ever cooked, the quality of this free roaming rustic bird really came through in the flavour there was that old fashioned rich slightly gamey well hung flavour, the meat was plump and tender and with a simple old fashioned cooking and resting method the roasted goose was super juicy and rendered my dining table almost silent except for the nom nom's while we all enjoyed this glorious goose, I was exceptional pleased with this cooking method and results.

Prep time 3 minutes / Total cooking time 80-90 minutes (12 mins per lb)
Prep time 15 mins if having roast potatoes, veg and gravy

(serves 4-6) 

1 free range wild living goose
Sea salt
10 potatoes peeled
50g semolina
1 lrg green cabbage sliced
1 tbsp butter
1 tsp corn flour with 1 tbsp water
100ml Madeira or white wine

Cooking Time Line
Goose in, potatoes on to par boil, potatoes in, turn half way, goose out to rest while potatoes finish, roasting potatoes out into warm serving dish and tin on hob to make the gravy, cabbage on to steam while you make the gravy and plates in oven to warm, carve your goose and serve.

Take the weight of your goose in lb and multiply 12 minutes per lb for your cooking time, add 15-20 minutes resting time, for the best every perfect roast goose pre-heat your oven to 200 degrees, you will want to cook the goose high and fast.

Prick the skin with a fork to help allow all the gorgeous fat to be released down into the pan that is going to give you great basting juices but also the best every roast potatoes, sprinkle with sea salt, place in the oven to cook.

Meanwhile peel your spuds and place in a large roomy pan of boiling water and simmer for 7 minutes, drain and fluffy up a little in the colander, season with sea salt and black pepper, then toss in the semolina, remove the roasting goose pan from the oven and add the potatoes, turning so all sides are coated in the goose fat.  Baste your goose at this point too.

30 minutes on, remove your roast goose and pan from the oven and drain off all,the fat and juices in to a jug and reserve to one side, turn the potatoes and baste the goose again.  If you want soft squidgy was once crispy goose fat roast potatoes leave the goose fat in the pan, by removing the fat you allow the potatoes to crisp up on the outside and create a light fluffy middle, in my book gorgeous both ways.

Remove your goose as soon as your cooking time is done and wrap in foil, leave to rest for 15-20 minutes.  Once your potatoes are cooked, remove from the pan and place in a warm serving dish, put your cabbage on to steam, then place the roasting pan on your cooker on a medium heat, add the Madeira and reduce by half, add 250ml water and bring to a simmer, using a spatula scrap off any crusty cooking bits and flavour from the bottom of the pan, put the corn flour in a tbsp of water and mix to a paste, add to the gravy mix to thicken slightly, then add the knob of butter to add a rich flavour and a glossy sheen to your wonderful gravy.  

You are now ready to serve, I like to remove the breasts and legs, then carve the breasts and serve a platter for everyone to help themselves to a bit of breast and leg meat along with the vegetables.

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