Top Blog Recipes

10 Jan 2015


How fantastic is this, a courgette can become zoodle noodles a great alternative to rice or pasta noodles, I did wonder if I was going to be able to give up my rice noodles that I love in ramen and find a super healthy low carb/calorie alternative that is just as good in not only taste but texture too, I am super excited that the gadget I brought to make zoodle noodles from vegetables really does make fantastic noodles.  This recipe is a glorious bowl of super health and great taste without compromise.

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking time 5 minutes

These are very quick and simple to make, you will need a zoodle maker if you want long zoodles like noodles!  Alternatively if you want to try these before buying a gadget that will end up sitting in a drawer only to be given away a few years later then you can use a julienne blade on a mandolin or a potato peeler, they will be shorter and not as thick, think rice noodles v vermicelli in size, if using a potato peeler peel long ribbons and stack them neatly back together and then using a sharp knife slice longways into thin zoodles.

The zoodle gadget

(serves 2)

800ml chicken broth
(home made recipe below)
200ml coconut cream/milk
1 star anise
1 tsp fish sauce
1/2 stick cinnamon
1/2 lime juiced
1 courgette zoodle noodles
4 stems broccoli
6 stems asparagus
1 pak choi 
10 mangetout finely sliced
1 red chilli sliced
2 spring onions finely sliced
2 handfuls spinach and rocket
2 cloves of garlic sliced
1/2" turmeric grated

A super fast and fabulously fragrant and healthy bowl of abundance, prep all your ingredients before you start, I often prep three times more than I need so that these ingredients are ready straight from the fridge which means I can have this meal on the table in under five minutes!

Place your serving bowls ready to go and put the watercress and rocket in one side.  Place the chicken broth and coconut cream or milk in a saucepan and bring to a gentle simmer, add the zoodles for one minute, remove and place in your serving bowl,  Next add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for three minutes, remove the star anise and cinnamon stick then pour the gorgeous stock over your zoodles and enjoy,

This style of broth is really a blank canvas you can add anything you like to zing up or down the broth, I like to add tamarind, tom yum and hot chilli harissa paste to va va voom the broth or sometimes I just fancy a simple clean broth and leave out the coconut cream, there are so many variations you will  never feel bored of this gorgeous meal.

Home made chicken stock
(makes 1.5ltrs)

Prep time 5 minutes / Cooking un-attended 2 hours

1 free range chicken
2 carrots roughly chopped
2 celery roughly chopped
1 onion quartered
1 leek rough chopped
2 bay leaves
5 star anise
10 black peppercorns
1/2 stick cinnamon
2 tbsp fish sauce
2" piece ginger sliced
1 lemon halved

Place all the ingredients in a deep pan and cover with water approx three litres bring up to a gently simmer and leave to tick away for two hours, skim off any froth that accumulates on top.  When cooked and the stock has reduced by half take off the heat and leave to cool.  Remove the chicken and keep for other meals, pass the stock through a sieve and store in a large glass jug in your fridge, once the stock has set in the fridge it is easier to remove the fat from the top of the stock, you can keep this fat in a dripping bowl in the fridge if you want and use as fat for cooking.

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