Top Blog Recipes

1 Jan 2015


Wonderful spicy and fragrant singapore noodle stir fry with crunchy shasoxing peppers, beansprouts, broccoli florets and seasame soy marinated chicken all tossed in a spicy curry and soy dressing and finished off with a aromatic medley of spring onions, ginger and garlic.

The key to success here is to prepare all the ingredients ready to go, this is a speedy cook and from start to finish should only take you around 15-18 minutes.

Prep time 7-10 minutes / Cooking time 8 minutes

(serves 4)

1 pack of vermicilli rice noodles
2 tbsp coconut or ground nut oil
2 tbsp good curry paste
(recipe below)
1 red pepper sliced
1 green pepper sliced
100g bean sprouts
4 spring onions sliced into thin sticks
2 red chillies sliced
3" ginger sliced into thin sticks
1 head of broccolli florets
1 small bunch chopped coriander
4 cloves garlic sliced
8 mushrooms sliced
1 red onion sliced
1/4 red cabbage finly sliced
2 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp shaosing wine
1 tbsp sesame oil
200g leftover roast chicken

1 tbsp coconut or ground nut oil
1 tsp coriander seeds
1 tsp fenugreek seeds
1 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp ground turmeric
1/2 tsp cumin seeds
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp black peppercorns
2 whole cloves
1/2 tsp cinnamon
2 cloves garlic grated
2" ginger grated
1 red chilli slices
1 sm onion finely chopped
2 cardamom pods bashed

(In a pestle and morta pound all the curry paste ingredients together and discard the cardom pods, add a teaspoon of coconut or ground nut oil bash some more to form your curry paste)

First cook the noodles according to the packet instructions, but generally you place the noodles in a bowl and pour over boiling water and leave to soak for two or so minutes, drain in a seive and run under cold water for just a split second, reserve to one side, at the same time blanch the broccolli florets in simmering water for two minutes, drain and reserve, meanwhile place the cooked or left over chicken in a bowl and toss in the sesame oil, then line up all your prepared vegetables ready to go!  Have your serving bowls and chopsticks ready to serve straight in too.

Heat your wok fairly hot and add a little of the coconut oil, stir fry the spring onion, red onion, garlic and ginger for one minute, remove and keep to one side, next add the peppers and stir fry for one minute, add the shasoxing wine and toss, remove and keep to one side, next stir fry the broccolli florets, red cabbage and mushrooms for a minute and again reserve to one side.

Now your ready to finish the dish, in the wok add the curry paste, peppers, mushrooms, broccolli, red cabbage, chicken and bean sprouts, stir fry for one minute, add the noodles and toss in the curry paste coating evenly, then add the spring onion, red onion, ginger and garlic mix and toss through, dish up into your bowls and sprinkle over the red chillies and coriander, serve with the side of soy sauce as your seasoning and enjoy this wonderful vibrant healthy dish full of flavour and goodness.

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