Top Blog Recipes

21 Jan 2015


These fantastic little bars are super healthy, full of good fats, omega 3, minerals and vitamins, high in fibre with natural sweetness from the prunes and apricots.  Really quick and simple to make and lots of variety and a great and easy way to healthly increase your fibre intake.

Around 5.6g fibre and 244 calories per bar.

Total cook time 5 minutes

(Makes 6 bars)

1 cup almonds
3/4 cup flax seed
1/2 cup dried prunes
1/2 cup dried apricots
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg
30-50ml water

Place all the ingredients except the water in a blender and pulse until finely chopped and coming together like a dough, add just enough water to bring together.

Line a small tin with cling film and press in the mixture evenly, remove from the tin and cut into six bars, or more if you want, alternatively you can roll the mixture into balls.  

Store in a air tight container or in the fridge, these can keep for weeks in the fridge if they last that long!

Variations ideas
70% chocolate half dipped bars
Raisin and dates
Brazil and walnuts
Fig and lime
Cranberries and gojyo berries
Dried banana and mango
Toasted coconut oil hazel nuts

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