Top Blog Recipes

5 Mar 2015


Outstandingly perfect, simple to make, five minutes, fifty pence cost and finally a homemade deodorant recipe that is natural and organic that really works for me, I enjoyed putting this recipe through its paces this winter but I knew on the first day it was a winner and will be with me for life, after a hour yoga session, then a cross country dog walk down the stables, followed by a riding lesson, mucking out and finally sweeping the yard, I for the first time since giving up commercial deodorants could not smell myself!  I spent the rest of the day silly excited and telling everyone how pleased I was with finally finding a successful solution without compromise.

Cooking/melting mixing time 5 minutes / Fridge setting time 1hr

As a family who are still inspired and trying to live like their grandparents back in the 1940's, who grew their own food, raised their own meat had very little wastage, made their own cleaning and beauty products and who did not know what plastic was, among so much more, their lifestyle is now considered a green family lifestyle, therefore we as a family are trying to copy and live a more natural life that not only is healthier for my guys but also supporting mother nature and reducing our carbon footprint.

I have tried several natural and organic deodorants from the beautiful looking Himalayan salt rock to Dr Organics and where these do do a job they are not efficient enough for my sporty sessions and manual working on the small holding.  I am very pleased that this recipe from Wellness mama is working really well and not only do I finally feel odour protected (a big thing for me), the fact that all the ingredients in this deodorant you can eat makes me feel naturally good I also have a gorgeous Shea butter smell and lovely moisturised arm pits too a winner all round.

(Makes 1 bar lasts 3 months)

3 tbsp organic cold pressed coconut oil
2 tbsp organic Shea butter
3 tbsp baking powder
2 tbsp arrowroot / cornflour
15 drops organic tea tree oil

1 mason or kilner glass jar
1 wooden spoon
Cup cake casings or a bar mould

Optional pretty waxed cotton adjustable holder
14 x 20cm 100% cotton fabric
27g bees wax grated
Pastry brush
Pinking sheers optional
2 buttons, needle and thread
20cm natural twine

Bring a pan of water, 1/2 as deep as the kilner or mason jar you are using to a simmer, place the Shea butter and coconut oil in the jar then pop the jar into the hot water in the saucepan, you only just want to melt the Shea butter and coconut oil, take off the heat, stir in the baking powder and arrowroot or corn flour, keep stirring using the handle of your wooden spoon until combined, now add the tea tree oil, pour into you cupcake papers or bar moulds or just leave to set in the mason/kilner jar.

Once your deodorant bar, etc is set your are ready to use it, keep on the side in the bathroom and use every morning. In winter I have the central heating up high, therefore I do feel the need to keep my deodorant bar in the fridge, if I leave it on the side it dose not melt but it is soft to touch and is still totally usable, but I personally like it more solid from the fridge.

Optional waxed cotton adjustable holder
Pre heat your oven to 170 degrees, place your piece of fabric on a baking tray and grate over one ounce of bees wax, pop in the oven for 5 minutes, remove, then using a pastry brush spread the melted wax to the edges, leave to dry for a few minutes, fold in three equal parts, left to right and then fold the bottom 1/3 up.  At this point I have sewn two buttons on the front of the wrap to make the fabric holder adjustable.  Pop the bar of deodorant in and enjoy.

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