Top Blog Recipes

1 Jun 2015


Another great successful recipe that is so quick and easy to make and works really efficiently, the feel good factor is not only in that my family now have a all natural daily hand soap, but we are lowering our carbon footprint and helping to reduce our effect on landfill, a winner all round!

This cost £0.30 pence and five minutes to make and lasts for approximately 125 uses.

(makes 800ml - filled 5 Jars)

15g Dr Bonner's Magic Soap
800ml distilled or filtered water

Bring the water to a boil and take off the heat, grate the magic soap and sprinkle in to the hot water, using a balloon whisk gently whisk the mixture until the soap has dissolved, leave in the pan to cool and every now and then when passing give another whisk, this is to help keep the mixture emulsified.  Once cooled decant into your hand soap container and that's it!

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