Top Blog Recipes

4 Jun 2015


Fabulous for the shelf for any self sufficient family.  Gorgeous canned tomatoes ready to go straight from the shelf infused with wet garlic, onions, celery, leeks, herbs and a generous glug of red wine makes this base sauce great for napolitana, ragu, chilli con carne and moussaka.

Makes 12 (1 pint) jars / Prep time 30 mins / Cooking time 3 hrs / Canning time 40 mins

(makes 12 jars)

20lb ripe red heirloom tomatoes
2 tbsp coconut oil or olive oil
2 large onions finely chopped
1 bulb of garlic grated
1 leek finely chopped
2 sticks celery finely chopped
2 tbsp fresh oregano
2 tbsp fresh thyme 
1 tbsp sea salt
1 tbsp fresh ground black pepper
500ml good quality red wine
1/4 cup lemon juice
1-2 tbsp sugar

12 (1 pint) ball mason jars sterilised
(run the jars and lids through a hot wash in your dishwasher & dry thoroughly)
1 deep canning saucepan

In a large deep saucepan melt the coconut oil, gently soften the onions, garlic, leek and celery for ten minutes, add the red wine and reduce by half, next add the tomatoes and sugar, cook these for couple of hours, as the tomatoes melt they will create more sauce, stir occasionally, while stirring remove any tomatoes skins you see, I do it this way so as not to have to scald and peel hundreds of tomatoes before hand, I kinda figure if I am going to be standing over a pot I can remove the skins then.

When your tomato sauce is pulpy, season with the sea salt, pepper, oregano, thyme and lemon juice taste and adjust the seasoning if needed.  When you are happy with the flavour and consistency of your tomatoes then you are ready to can them.
Pre heat your oven 180 degrees and bring your canning saucepan of water up to a rolling simmer, meanwhile take the clean sterilised ball mason jars remove the lids and place both lids and jars on baking trays and pop in the oven for 5 minutes, no longer.  

Remove from the oven and place next to your tomato sauce, hot sauce in to hot jars, leaving one inch head space at the top of the jar, using a chop stick stir each jar to remove any air bubbles, screw on the lids and then lower using your canning tongs in to the simmering water, the jars need to be covered by a few inches of water at all times, simmer for 40 minutes, topping up the water with more boiling water as needed to keep the jars covered.

Remove when cooking time is done and leave on the side to cool, this is my most favourite time, waiting to hear the ping ping ping of self sufficient lids sealing, brings a smile to my face every time.  Once cooled check lids and tighten the outer rings if needed, store in your larder and leave for at least a week to improve before using, these will last up to a year.  

Any jars that have not ping sealed, pop in the fridge and use within a week.

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