Top Blog Recipes

26 Jul 2015


This is a great feel good tastes great love your body lunch, eating this makes me feel so fresh and clean and that I am loving my body back for all I put it through!  For me I am even more satisfied that everything on my plate comes from my garden as this makes me feel more self sufficient and a bit of a mini eco warrior lowering a little of my carbon footprint and giving a bit back

Prep Time 10 mins 

(serves one)

2 eggs
9 whole mixed lettuce leaves
3 kale leaves
3 beetroot chard leaves
1/2 cup of raw fresh peas
2 spring onions sliced
1 beetroot peeled and grated
1 chilli finely chopped
3 tsp sweet chilli jelly (optional)

First bring a deep pan of water to a rolling simmer add the two eggs and set the timer for six minutes, when the cooking time is up, and this is important drain the hot water out and fill with running cold water as fast and safely as you can, this will stop the eggs cooking and give you a set white with glorious soft slightly runny yolks.

Place the three largest lettuce leaves on your plate and layer on the other two leaves and kale then top with the rest of the ingredients, finish off with a drizzle of sweet chilli jelly if you want.

These are also great as a base for topping with spicy piri piri chicken or some Asian spiced ground pork or anything you fancy.

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