Top Blog Recipes

3 Aug 2015


 Gorgeous simple yet sumptuous lettuce wraps stuffed with pan seared yellow fin tuna, spring onions, red peppers, spicy chilli, coriander, raw grated beetroot and a mashed avocado rippled through some zesty lime homemade mayonnaise.

Prep time 10 minutes

(serves 1)

3 whole lettuce leaves
3 beetroot leaves
4oz yellow fin tuna (or a can)
1 avocado
1 spring onion finely sliced
1/4 red pepper finely diced
1 red chilli finely diced
1 raw beetroot peeled and grated
1 pinch sea salt (Himalayan)
1 pinch ground black pepper
1 lime juiced

Lime Mayonnaise
1 egg yolk
100ml organic cold pressed sunflower oil
1 pinch sea salt
1 pinch black pepper
1/2 tsp white wine vinegar
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1/2 the lime juice from above ingredients

First I like to make my mayo, this only takes a couple of minutes, in a deep bowl place the egg yolk, white wine vinegar and a tiny tiny dash of sunflower oil, gently whisk, then slowly start to add a drizzle of sunflower oil approx 2ml at a time, incorporating well, once you have added around a third of the oil you can start to add the oil in bigger glugs, gently whisking in, once you have a glorious thick emulsion add the Dijon mustard, seasoning, lime juice and combine.

If you are pan searing your fresh yellow fin tuna, heat a pan with equal amounts of oil and butter, then sear your tuna steak for approx 3-4 minutes on each side, remove from the pan and leave to cool,then flake, if using a can continue from this point.

Place your lettuce leaves on your plate and line each with a beetroot leaf.  In the mayonnaise bowl place your yellow fin tuna, diced pepper, spring onion, diced chilli, avocado, remaining 1/2 of lime juice, sea salt and ground black pepper, gently mix together.

Generously place the filling in a line in the centre of the leaf spreading left to right then roll up from the bottom to the top, place seam side down on your plate, these are best served fresh and cold, they will keep in the fridge or a lunch box for the day.

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