Top Blog Recipes

23 Nov 2015


So proud that everything on this plate we grew, raised and produced from our family small holding and home garden.  Glorious 95% Herby Gloucestershire Old Spot sausages, loved and out door naturally reared, preservative free and seasoned with fresh thyme, sage, chives and marjoram from the garden with a hint of salt and fresh ground white pepper.  Served with rich buttery mashed potatoes and caramelised onion and sausage gravy.

Prep time 10 minutes / Cooking-oven time 40 minutes

(serves 4)

8 local big bangers
(outdoor reared)
1 kg potatoes
1 large onion sliced
1 tbsp olive or coconut oil
4 tbsp butter
pinch of thyme
2 tsp corn flour
sea salt
fresh white pepper

Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees, lightly grease the bottom of a roasting tin and place the sausages in, place in the oven, these will take between 35-40 minutes to cook, turn half way through.  Meanwhile bring a large pan of water to a gently boil, peel the potatoes and halve, place in the boiling water and cook until fork tender approx 25-30 minutes, drain and return to the pan with 3tbsp of butter, mash and season with salt and pepper, leave on a very low heat to keep warm while you serve.  

To make the onion (poor mans gravy), pan fry the onions in a tbsp of butter and dash of oil for until caramelised, approx the same amount of time it takes to boil the potatoes, add 500ml of water and the thyme, bring up to a simmer, take the cornflour and mix with a tbsp of water, add to the simmering onions and stir until smooth, when you remove the sausages from the oven, add 50ml of water or wine to the roasting tin, scrape around and pour the cooking juices into the gravy, serve the mashed potatoes first and top with your gorgeous sausages and fabulous onion gravy.

Hug Your Pig !

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